<p>Hey guys are my chances good enough to even attempt EDII?
I wasn't going to EDII but if I get this scholarship I applied to(I think I can) I can apply to Bucknell without worrying about fin aid (binding EDII)</p>
African-American Lower/middle class?(dont really know class :P)
Penn res
I go to a Technical/Vocational High-school for Computer Programming
I know HTML, PHP, Java(Oracle Curriculum II), SQL(Oracle Curriculum I), MYSQL, C++
Im good in Photoshop and Flash
GPA-3.6 hardest classes my school offers
My school doesnt offer AP courses-so Im self-studying: Comp Sci AB, Calc AB, and maybe Physics B (Im told Im the first at my school to ever request AP tests)
ECs are nothing special
I watch my sister alot at home (Not an EC but has contributed to lack of ECs)
like to Play Chess
Play Basketball for a City League(more friends playing there)
Multimedia Design(Websites and Digital Art)
<a href="http://in-sight.deviantart.com%5B/url%5D">http://in-sight.deviantart.com</a> <a href="http://panikc.deviantart.com%5B/url%5D">http://panikc.deviantart.com</a> <a href="http://www.rinehart-transport.net%5B/url%5D">http://www.rinehart-transport.net</a> (company website I made)
I cant afford to host my own portfolio :P</p>
<p>SATs- 700m, 600cr, 540w (590w comp score)
I want to go for Comp Sci
So do you guys think I would have a chance if I applied for EDII?</p>