EDII vs. Regular Decision

<p>I'm debating between which one to do. I guess my question is, would applying EDII give me an edge over applying regular? </p>

<p>ive heard and read different things. some say early decision is mainly a tool for the admissions office and doesn't really help students while others say applying early can significantly increase your chances.</p>

<p>can anyone help me out?</p>

<p>I’m interested in this too.</p>

<p>Kinda wish I’d applied ED1 but now that I have to do all my applications anyway I feel like I should just do RD…</p>

<p>Any ED program should be used only if that is the ONE school that you truly want to attend. If that applies, then by all means, apply EDII.</p>

<p>Will it give you an edge over RD? Yes, by virtue of the fact that the school knows that you will attend if accepted. Remember the adage of a bird in hand . . . :)</p>

<p>And past stats have demonstrated that a larger percentage of the ED pools are accepted vs. those in the RD pool. But then, fewer students apply ED.</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>applying ED significantly increases your chance of acceptance.</p>