
Which means I find out on my birthday!!!</p>

<p>Are you in, oregano?
I got denied! :(</p>

<p>I havent found out yet actually. I’m continuously hitting refresh and checking the mail. Did you get email or paper mail?</p>

<p>Oh, wow! I totally missed this thread before posting on the other! I wish the mail would hurry up…</p>

<p>Hey lizcat are you really from Tennessee?
I’m in Alabama waiting on that stupid mail.
Nothing today.
I bet it comes tomorrow though</p>

<p>AH i’m so nervous! I live on the west coast, but i’m assuming if they mailed them tuesday it should be here tomorrow!!! or maybe saturday…AH im so so scared!</p>

<p>I am an international applicant. For days e-mail from bowdoin didn’t arrive, so I called and found out everyone will get to know their result until next monday. And for those who still don’t get result can call to admission office and find out…</p>

<p>Yep, oregano, I’m really in Tennessee, and I didn’t get anything today either. I bet we’ll get our letters on the same day… I hope tomorrow! </p>

<p>That’s pretty reasonable, right? Tuesday to Friday?</p>

<p>Yeah good luck Lizcat!!!
2 more hours until my mail comes
Hope we both get in, we can be the only southerners lol
I’m so nervous right now that i can barely type
I just keep thinking about that envelope.
If it doesn’t come today, I don’t know what I’m gonna do.
Tomorrow is my birthday, so either way I will be happy I guess</p>

<p>I got in!!! </p>

<p>Good luck to everyone else as these come in…</p>


<p>Oregano: I’m really sorry to hear that. anyway, did you get an e-mail, or a paper mail? some of my friends also did get rejected, all by e-mail 3 days before. why did your email arrive that late? (for I’m now more than tired of waiting for that damn mail…)</p>

<p>lizcat: congratulations!</p>

<p>So sorry to hear that oregano. Don’t be disappointed! I’m sure your application was really good but as the letter said, “There’s just too much competition!!”. I was really disappointed to see the rejection letter as well, but you just gotta keep faith and wait for the April decisions. I’m sure you’ll make it to a GOOD place!</p>

<p>Best of LUCK!</p>

<p>oregano, I’m sorry-but have a nice birthday anyways</p>

<p>I had a WONderful birthday and I am so over my rejection now! I will take a road trip and visit it one day anyway. I guess I’m just not meant to go there. I still applied to Colby and Bates so, they’re very similar. maybe I have a chance.
Tinyhe: i got it in the mail, no e-mail at all
Lizcat: Congratulations!!! Go represent the south well haha</p>

<p>Oregano-you could be very happy at Bates if you get in - a wonderful education and great campus and friendly students.</p>