EE minor..........

<p>hey everyone, How likely is it for an EE minor to get a job as an EE? Will it have equal chances and those that have a major in EE or how much is the difference?</p>

<p>a lot of schools don’t offer minor in ECE. Im not sure you have an equal chances or not but ECE has too many concentrations. In my opinion,I will not take a minor because It is impossible to get a job as an engineer if I only take the classes as you see below:
[Texas</a> A&M Electrical Engineering](<a href=“]Texas”></p>

<p>what if the courses that have been taken involves:</p>

<p>Circuit analysis
Digital system designs
C programming
Random signals and systems
Deterministic signals and systems
Embedded microprocessor design</p>

<p>I’m not sure what your major will be in but at big firms looking to higher EEs, your resume won’t make the cut simply because you aren’t qualified. i.e. you won’t have a B.S. in EE on your resume and you will be filtered out.</p>

<p>E.E. is just way too big of a field to actually minor in it.</p>

<p>As the courses you list above. Most of ECE students finish that in their 2nd year and maybe 1 quarter of 3rd year. During their 3rd, 4th and 5th, they will go in to the field .At my school , 70%of students takes 4.5 to 5.5 years to finish an engineering degree because they have to do a 3-straight quarter senior project. 10% finish in 4 years. if you take that minor, you will miss a lot a lot of things.</p>

<p>So in, short, no, you will not have an equal chance.</p>