EECS Schedule

<p>Hey guys! Well my orientation is in like 2 weeks and I was wondering how my schedule looks for my first year! I will be an incoming transfer student.</p>

CS 61A
CS 70
EE 20N</p>

CS 61B
CS 61C
2 Upper Div Humanities courses</p>

<p>Does this schedule look manageable? I want to have some social life my first year at Cal but will be working hard.</p>

<p>Also, who is better for EE 20N - Ramchandran or Babak in terms of easiness and workload? And how are their lectures?</p>

<p>Any help is greatly appreciated!</p>

<p>Looks like a fine schedule, but what will your senior year look like? If all you have are upper div CS courses your last two semesters, it might get a bit tricky.</p>

<p>Also, I had Babak… I don’t recognize the other name for 20N. His lectures were pretty good. Problem sets were torture, but I think only one of them counted at the end. Exams were hell, but had a huge curve. You’ll be writing lots of proofs, so it helps to know your algebra, trig tricks, summation stuff, calculus etc. If you’ve just got 70 and 61A with it, it shouldn’t be too bad.</p>

<p>Oh, and 61C usually assumes knowledge of Java at the beginning, have you worked with it (or C++) before? If have you’ll be fine, but if not you might not wanna do B and C together.</p>

<p>Is your emphasis EE or CS? Would it be correct to assume that you have had EE 40 at your previous college? What EE or CS courses or experience have you had before, even if they are not accepted for subject credit?</p>

<p>You likely need to take four courses per semester to complete the major in four semesters*. So your first semester is likely best scheduled with three of the lower division EE and CS courses, and one upper division humanities or social studies course.</p>

<p>*You likely need the following to graduate:</p>

<p>5 lower division EE and CS courses
2 upper division humanities or social studies courses
7 upper division EE and/or CS courses
possibly up to 2 free electives</p>

<p>Hey @failure622 and @ucbalumnus, thank you for always responding to me! I REALLY appreciate it! </p>

<p>My emphasis is CS. I don’t want to take any upper div EE classes… Just need to get rid of EE 20N and EE 40. (I did not take a circuits class in my community college) </p>

<p>I took an intro to programming course in C. (VERY VERY basic, only talked about loops, conditional statements, arrays and intro to pointers). I now just finished a C++ course - focused on Object Oriented Concepts the entire semester (talked about file streams, classes: basics of a class, friend functions, overloaded operators, ADTs, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Pointers: Dynamic allocation/dynamic arrays, and intro to templates.</p>

<p>That is basically all the programming experience I have so far. I do not have any EE experience whatsoever. I plan on graduating in 5 semesters. (I am going to petition for a 5th semester)</p>

<p>And yes, for my 3,4, and 5th semester I plan on taking just upper div CS classes… I plan on taking just 3 semesters a quarter and not 4 to have more time on my classes. So, ucbalumnus, I will have fulfilled all of those requirements… I just need to try to get EE 40 to fit somewhere… Not really sure where…</p>

<p>The classes I plan to take are:</p>

<p>CS 170 - Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems
CS 162 - Operating Systems and Systems Programming
CS 164 - Programming Languages and Compilers
CS 160 - User Interface and Design
CS 169 - Software Engineering
CS 186 - Introduction to Database Systems
CS 174 - Combinatorics and Discrete Probability (Maybe? - I plan on doing Option 4 - Computer Science, so do I have to take this class? Or can I choose a different Upper Div?)
CS 150 - Digital Systems (I REALLY don’t want to take this class, but it says so for Option 4. Do I have to take this class or can I take something else instead? I want to take Computer Networks…)
And I still need EE 40… -___-</p>

<p>As for scheduling, I have NO IDEA which classes to take each semester to have the most balanced and easy schedule… Maybe you guys could help? :smiley: I would really appreciate any input on how I should schedule all of these classes and input on what classes is a good combination with what as well as any opinions on my class choices.</p>

<p>70, 170, 172, and 174 are non-programming theory courses. Workload will be like math courses. Courses with programming or hardware design tend to consume more time.</p>

<p>If you want to take both 172 and 164, it is best to take 172 before 164.</p>

<p>The actual degree requirements just list some total number of engineering units, with some number of upper division EE or CS units (with “design courses” needed), but do not list specific EE or CS courses. You need to get your major adviser to sign off on your course selection.</p>

<p>Hmm… Okay,</p>

<p>Is my planned schedule realistic though? Will I be fine taking 3 upper division CS classes/semester for 3 semesters? What combinations do you think would be the best for the courses that I plan on taking? Again thank you for all the help!</p>

<p>If you can take one theory and two other CS courses, that would likely be the best way to spread the workload (assuming whatever fourth non-CS course you take is not one that has high workload like lab or large term project). Ask other current and recent students what the workload is like in the courses with programming or hardware design (many years ago, 150, 152, 164, and 184 were among the higher workload courses).</p>