<p>Hey @failure622 and @ucbalumnus, thank you for always responding to me! I REALLY appreciate it! </p>
<p>My emphasis is CS. I don’t want to take any upper div EE classes… Just need to get rid of EE 20N and EE 40. (I did not take a circuits class in my community college) </p>
<p>I took an intro to programming course in C. (VERY VERY basic, only talked about loops, conditional statements, arrays and intro to pointers). I now just finished a C++ course - focused on Object Oriented Concepts the entire semester (talked about file streams, classes: basics of a class, friend functions, overloaded operators, ADTs, Inheritance, Polymorphism, Pointers: Dynamic allocation/dynamic arrays, and intro to templates.</p>
<p>That is basically all the programming experience I have so far. I do not have any EE experience whatsoever. I plan on graduating in 5 semesters. (I am going to petition for a 5th semester)</p>
<p>And yes, for my 3,4, and 5th semester I plan on taking just upper div CS classes… I plan on taking just 3 semesters a quarter and not 4 to have more time on my classes. So, ucbalumnus, I will have fulfilled all of those requirements… I just need to try to get EE 40 to fit somewhere… Not really sure where…</p>
<p>The classes I plan to take are:</p>
<p>CS 170 - Efficient Algorithms and Intractable Problems
CS 162 - Operating Systems and Systems Programming
CS 164 - Programming Languages and Compilers
CS 160 - User Interface and Design
CS 169 - Software Engineering
CS 186 - Introduction to Database Systems
CS 174 - Combinatorics and Discrete Probability (Maybe? - I plan on doing Option 4 - Computer Science, so do I have to take this class? Or can I choose a different Upper Div?)
CS 150 - Digital Systems (I REALLY don’t want to take this class, but it says so for Option 4. Do I have to take this class or can I take something else instead? I want to take Computer Networks…)
And I still need EE 40… -___-</p>
<p>As for scheduling, I have NO IDEA which classes to take each semester to have the most balanced and easy schedule… Maybe you guys could help?
I would really appreciate any input on how I should schedule all of these classes and input on what classes is a good combination with what as well as any opinions on my class choices.</p>