efan/cal grant confusion!

<p>So I've gotten four efans by now and only accepted one. I wanted cal grant B and accepted that but now I have a cal grant A conversion in the new efan. there are still loans I have to accept but I don't want to accept cal grant A. should I just ignore this and wait for a new efan or accept the loan and put undecided on cal grant A? Will it then revert back to cal grant B?</p>

<p>the financial aid office is completely unhelpful on this. they never respond to emails and once they answer the call (which takes forever) they're horribly mean.</p>


<p>Just wondering, why did u want cal grant B over cal grant A?</p>

<p>the rest of my need gets covered by the scholarship recognition award. cal grant b gives my flexibility with how i want to spend the money (i.e. towards books/housing) and eventually gives me cal grant a next year. so i’m getting both grants in the next three years.
at least that’s how it was explained to me.</p>