EFC&Financial Aid

<p>My EFC is about 40,000. My dad said he only will give me 10k a year though for UM. EFC+bright futures+frag = about $46,000. Does that mean the highest scholarship I can possibly get is $14,000....assuming cost of attendance is $60,000??</p>

<p>Merit scholarships don’t take into account your EFC. They are completely based on the strength of your application.</p>

<p>If COA is 60,000 for example and you earn a 24,000 scholarship, the figures would be 24,000 + 3000.00 BF+ 2000 FRAG (Just a guess, I have no idea how much that is) then your balance due would be approx. 31,000 give or take. They may give you other merit money (obviously if your EFC is 40,000 you have no need) from other random scholarships. They may offer you work study or loans also. Not sure if you will understand this, but sometimes there is a large gap, sometimes no gap at all…it depends on how much they want you to attend and what other monies they can find to lure you. </p>