<p>So I've held off on applying for housing for EFS for one (maybe stupid) reason. This page (UW</a> Housing and Food Services > Housing Options) seems to imply that all efs students will be assigned to terry or Haggett. However, it also seems to imply that students who applied earlier would be more likely to have the same housing from efs through autumn quarter. I don't want this. I applied for first year themed housing, and I would love to be in one of the new dorms over terry. Is it stupid for me to think that it's a good idea for me to wait until I receive my housing assignment for the full year before I apply for EFS housing? Because I really want to get into one of the new dorms, but I also don't want to miss out on EFS.</p>
<p>When s did EFS 2 years ago, he was able to request a different dorm for the regular school year and it wasn’t even a theme request. But he did say it was his biggest regret as he made great friends during EFS and then moved across campus. If you call housing you can tell them you want to be assigned a different room for regular year and it should not be an issue. Whatever you do, don’t miss out on this program, s said it was best thing he ever could have done to get a great start for college 
D is doing EFS this year and requested Haggett and first year experience floor.</p>
<p>Sorry to jack your thread, but how did you sign up for EFS? Did you apply for the Summer term instead of the Fall term on the application? Or did you sign up for the Fall term and do something to sign up for EFS?</p>
<p>This answer was posted by Housing & Food Services on their Facebook in response to a similar question:</p>
<p>Q: “So, is it possible to request that you get assigned to a different dorm for autumn quarter if you apply to EFS”
A: “Yes, you can do that on your academic year application in the Building Preference section, but it’s not likely your request will be accommodated. The reason we do this is because the vast majority of students who live with us for EFS want to stay in their EFS room at the end of the program, even if originally they felt very strongly that they wanted to live in a different building. We normally only assign EFS students to different buildings for autumn if they’ve requested a Theme Community in a different building, or if they require Winter Break Housing. Seriously, though, most people want to stay with their EFS friends and don’t want to have to pack up and move after a month.”</p>
<p>I actually ended up both e-mailing and calling UW, and both people I talked to both said I couldn’t request differently. Not sure if it’s related, but I was assigned a triple in Terry today, I’m thinking it has something to do with EFS</p>