eh..what are my chances?

<p>I'm aware of the fact that my stats are way below average for UofM, but I just need to know if I stand any chance whatsoever. Any feedback would be greatly appreciated.</p>

<p>Note: I am currently a junior and I am OOS.</p>

<p>1st SAT - 1730
- CR - 560
- Math - 570
- Writing - 590</p>

<p>2nd SAT - 1790
- CR - 540
- Math - 610
- Writing - 640</p>

<p>Super Score - 1810</p>

<p>Class Rank: Anywhere from Top 10-15% (Roughly 900-1000 students)
GPA - Roughly 3.83 (96.16)</p>

<p>All classes have been honors throughout high school
5 AP Classes by end of high school
- AP US History
- AP Political Science
- AP English
- AP Physics
- AP Calculus</p>

- National Honor Society
- Cum Laude on National Latin Exam
- Volunteer at the local library
- AMC (American Math Challenge) Participant</p>

<p>Hi jonathanc:</p>

<p>You’re SAT scores really seem a bit on the lower side but fret not. I have friends who struggled with the SAT. But they aced the ACT. </p>

<p>One close friend got only 1950 for SAT superscore (After 3 times) but got a 33 on his very first try on the ACT. So give the ACT a go. </p>

<p>And just be involved in ECs and take the most rigorous classes. </p>

<p>And do not feel down and having no chance simply by your stats. Your essays and Recommendations also matter. My teacher has mentioned students getting into top schools like JHU and Cornell with SATs that are around 1850 and 1900s! </p>

<p>All the best! :)</p>

<p>Well what college are you applying to? LSA? CoE? etc…</p>

<p>Also, is your GPA weighted or unweighted?</p>

<p>Finally, do you have any kind of hook? URM? Legacy? etc…</p>

<p>right now I would say the biggest thing that could help you is getting your exam scores up. And I agree with goblue2015 about taking the ACT. I took the ACT and SAT and did much better on the ACT. I would also reccomend taking the ACT twice if possible. I improved from my first try to the second. Finally, Umich doesn’t superscore, so don’t worry about that (at least I don’t think so. CoE may take your best math score sperately if you send in two exams though).</p>

<p>Thanks for the replies. I was planning on applying to CoE. My GPA is weighted. I’m not sure what my unweighted is because my school doesn’t give out unweighted averages. No hooks. I signed up for a 3rd SAT and I’m probably gonna the ACT. Hope I fair better with the ACT…</p>

<p>Honestly, you may have a tough time getting into CoE. Regardless, still apply. I agree with above posters to try out the ACT. An ~1800 is not enough, and I’ve heard many stories about people doing poorly on the sat, but well on the act. A 3.8 weighted isn’t bad, but it isn’t really up to par neither (I think you should be shooting for at least a 4.0 weighted). As a junior, your best bet is to improve your standardized test scores and try your hardest to get straights A’s as a senior, second semester included. Good luck next year!</p>