Electric Razor during Beast?

<p>I know you're supposed to bring an electric razor to beast. My question is simply this: Will we be allowed to use the electric razor in the field?</p>

<p>If not, will we be allowed NOT to shave in the field?</p>

<p>I'll be the first to admit that I've never used a manual razor and don't know how to use one! </p>

<p>Is it a NECESSITY that I learn?</p>

<p>ARE YOU FREKING KIDDING ME NEW CADET !?!?!?!?!?!?! Just teasing. I would adhere to the packing list that WP gives you for beast. Don’t know what that entails now a days. But a peice of advice from a future Beast PSG. Second detail is going to have a lot of time in the field. No outlets means no electric razor. Learn to shave with a ‘manual’. You’ll be in many situations where a quick dry shave will be all you get. Don’t want to be cutting yourself.</p>

<p>Yes, you need to learn to manually shave.</p>

<p>No, you will not want to be using your electric razor in the field – it’s loud.</p>

<p>Use your electric razor… get a decent one that will hold a charge.</p>

<p>You can use it during beast.</p>

<p>Many people used electrics during the time of Beast out at Buckner.</p>