A study linked in another thread on ( [Elite grads make more?](http://talk.collegeconfidential.com/discussion/comment/19987106/#Comment_19987106) ) gives me a hint: CC has the data and the talent to get to the bottom of what matters and by how much for a student to gain admissions to elite colleges. If rules allow, CC community can collect data publicly available on this site, analyze it, and report the results here. No one profits financially from this project, but everyone benefits from its findings. If at the end it turns out that character and virtue (wishfully) are likely to play the most significant role and every kid strives to reach the highest, then we all are better off.
Who are the elite colleges? Any college a CC member deems it elite. At the end we can analyze the top most popular ones in terms of data collected, and the elites can be top 100, 50, 20, 10, 5, or even 1 if there are enough data.
How to analyze the data? Whoever proposes a method, show us and let us refine it. Better yet, use your method and present your findings and let us be the judge.
What data to collect? Nothing better than a student who applied to multiple colleges. I imagine for a student, his/her data for 1 college is a row with many columns that include college name, outcome (accepted (EA/ED/RD)/waitlisted/rejected), test scores (SAT, ACT, SAT II, sub scores), GPA (weighted, unweighted), class rank (known or presumed), AP/IB (subject and score), EC/job/summer activities (what, roles, length, awards), counselor evaluation (known or presumed, private or school), essay and supplement short answers self evaluation, interview self evaluation, race, gender, state, school (private or public), family income, parents highest degree, self reflection of why the outcome, and lastly the CC data collector’s impression of the student’s clarity and conciseness (1-10 scale). A few missing values are ok. What else can we get?
Anyone knows how to put the data in a file? Is it possible here to do what Wikipedia does where anyone can access and add/edit? Maybe CC has already collected the data and it would be nice to share with the community with a link.
Data and algorithm can be used to find a match (see [Amy Webb did for love](http://www.npr.org/2014/04/25/301822006/can-you-use-algorithms-to-find-love) ).