<p>has anyone received an email from Cornell with instructions for viewing your early decision online yet?</p>
<p>just curious...</p>
<p>has anyone received an email from Cornell with instructions for viewing your early decision online yet?</p>
<p>just curious...</p>
<p>Nope, no email yet.</p>
<p>I literally JUST received it. My inbox says 0 minutes ago lol.</p>
<p>Just received it!</p>
<p>I got it 20 seconds ago!
Erm, may we log in with that give Pin and Password? Or would that be unwise?</p>
<p>how did my post go before westwhits? I saw his post before lol.</p>
<p>i sooo called that</p>
<p>i love how the first thing we do is post on cc haha</p>
<p>i sooo called that</p>
<p>just did. soo nervous!!! Ahhhhh!!! haha…</p>
<p>Never mind. We may log in. I ventured ahead and checked it. = )</p>
<p>Wth… I just logged in using that PIN and password and got this huge long privacy policy thing that has a box “I agree” under it and there are two boxes saying Yes or No to releasing your SSN, etc.
Im confused!!</p>
<p>i don’t think you can check it today…</p>
<p>I know that but I don’t understand this privacy policy thing that shows up when I log in… should I agree? Did anyone else get this? What do you get when you log in with the PIn and password they give you?</p>
<p>ahhh, has everyone gotten the email??? i still havent gotten one :(</p>
<p>Oh, the email calls it “Terms of Use” btw</p>
<p>lol of course you agree…</p>
<p>got mine! gahhhhhhhh I’m so nervous!!!</p>
<p>wait, do we all have to go and agree/disagree or can we just wait to log on on thursday. It sounds dumb, but I don’t want to jinx it.</p>
<p>I had an ASKDHALSD moment when checking my inbox an hour ago. I can’t believe it-- three more days!</p>