Emails from bama

Hi everyone! I was accepted to bama and honestly after getting other acceptances Im pretty certain I won’t be attending in the fall but I keep getting emails from the admissions office that make it sound like I have accepted my offer of admission! One said congratulations on my admission and that they can’t wait to welcome me in the fall and I have received several others that say some variation of “welcome to the Alabama family.” The website shows that I haven’t paid my deposit so i’m just wondering are these standard emails that every accepted student receives? Thank you!

Just realized this sounds kind of vague sorry! I have received 2 emails now that say “we are very happy that you have chosen to call Alabama your home.”

Trust me, they really want you! My son was already attending classes at Auburn and he was getting emails from Alabama saying he hadn’t paid his bill yet and he’d lose his classes - he never registered, never attended the Bama Bound, although we did reserve a session so that is probably why. They were very nice once I made the call to the Admissions office - we laughed about it but they will eventually take you off all of their email distribution lists…they just aren’t all one list.

This sort of thing happens all the time. My sons got emails from SLU for a LONG time.

I can give you an example.

Last semester after I went back to Oregon,U of Oregon sent me an email that said I am awarded 3000$ work study when I already had declined admission 5 monts ago before that mail