Emerging Scholars- Honors Credit!

<p>According to an email from Dr. Webb, the Emerging Scholars credits can be used towards Honors credit requirements. That is good news for a number of students!</p>

<p>I would double check that with Kiki in honors to make sure everyone is on the same page.</p>

<p>This was in an email from Dr. Webb directly. Do you think Dr.Webb was mistaken? I know that she said she was working on that earlier this summer.</p>

<p>This is really good news for those in Emerging Scholars.</p>

<p>Soooo cool!! DS has been so excited about his Emerging Scholars history project on the status of women in early medieval Ireland. One of the books he’ll be using arrived today. (Thank God for Amazon Prime! What did I ever do without it?)</p>

<p>This was great news! One less departmental honors req for me.</p>

<p>LadyDi, my D was not going to apply for Emerging Scholars initially because she thought only those with a science major would have something to research. You posted your son’s topic another time on here, and when I read it to her it sparked her interest and helped her to realize that yes an English/Spanish/Latin major could indeed be part of the program. She applied and was accepted for Spring 2013, so thank you!</p>

<p>That would be great news, S is short one credit after fall 2012 to fulfill Honors requirements & he completed ES last semester.</p>

<p>linnylu, my pleasure! :wink: BTW–we still have not received Dr. Webb’s email re this. Can anyone tell us what it says? Thanks!!</p>

<p>I sent an email to Kiki as recommended, with a copy of the email, and asked how we assured that the credit appears as honors on the transcript. When I have a response, I will post for you. </p>

<p>This is the line in the email Dr. Webb sent:</p>



<p>D’s email said that she’ll have to schedule UH 155 so that wouldn’t that indicate it’s for honors credit?</p>

<p>Link explaining honors credit for Emerging Scholars:</p>

<p>[About</a> the Program | Emerging Scholars Program - The University of Alabama](<a href=“http://emergingscholars.ua.edu/university-of-alabama-emerging-scholars-program-2/about-the-program/]About”>http://emergingscholars.ua.edu/university-of-alabama-emerging-scholars-program-2/about-the-program/)</p>

<p>I did not see anything on that page about honors credit, sophocles.</p>

<p>Hmmm, upon closer reading under the heading, “Emerging Scholars Expectations” I misread the UA 155 for UH (University Honors) 155. </p>

<p>However, I wonder if that is what Dr. Webb was referring to the “one hour degree credit” which will now be counted towards Honors hours. If you read further:</p>

<p>First semester: UA 155: 1 credit hour
Second semester: UA 156: 2 credit hours</p>

<p>vlines, sharing Kiki’s response to clarify the situation would be appreciated.</p>

<p>No problem, as soon as we receive it, I will share.</p>

<p>hey guys, do any of you know when we will receive the first half of our book scholarship?</p>

<p>vlines- Any update about Emerging Scholars credit being also used for Honors?</p>

<p>DS received emnail back from Honors suggesting that he ask Dr. Webb for an update on how that works. I will check with him to see if he recevied a response from Dr. Webb yet. Thanks for the reminder!</p>

<p>bump for update</p>

<p>no response from Dr. Webb yet. Sorry…</p>