<p>Anyone had this guy before? From the poli sci webpage, he appears as an emiritus and I couldn't find any current info about him from any friends. Also, ratemyprof didn't really say much about him besides his heavy accent.</p>
<p>if anyone has had him in the past</p>
<p>1) how good of a teacher is he? is he helpful at office hours?</p>
<p>2) is poly sci 2 with him very writing intensive and is it hard to get a reasonable decent grade (B+ or higher) if all the reading is done and lectures attended? </p>
<p>3) does the class have all midterms and a final, just papers, or a combo?</p>
<p>4) is the material of the class itself interesting to you? (I know this is subjective to each individual, blah blah blah-this is why I want YOUR individual opinions!</p>
<p>muchos gracias!!</p>
<p>There’s a reason RateMyProfessors exists:
[Andrew</a> C. Janos - University of California Berkeley - RateMyProfessors.com](<a href=“http://www.ratemyprofessors.com/ShowRatings.jsp?tid=469925]Andrew”>Andrew C. Janos at University of California Berkeley | Rate My Professors)</p>
<p>As usual, those reviews aren’t the entire truth, and people who absolutely hated the class might be more likely to post than someone who was perfectly happy with their A. I know the reviews won’t answer anything (and I don’t know anything about him), but it’s a good start.</p>
<p>There is a reason people post questions: for you to read ALL of it. If you have read his question than you would know he already checked ratemyprof…come on he says it in the second sentence.</p>
<p>I had him this last semester, and he was fantastic. However, it was for a different class, so I expect the format to be different. It was a pretty easy class, I never opened the reader he gave, and just came and listened to the lectures since they were so interesting. He’s a very smart man who explains his ideas well and knows so much about the world. The accent really is not a problem. He’s funny. Price and Chhibber are two of the other professors who teach PS2 and they’re horrible lecturers and way more difficult. The accent was really not a problem. </p>
<li>He loves you to come into office hours. He’s very friendly and helpful.</li>
<li>I have not taken it, but if you go to all the lectures and do all the readings, you’re very likely to get at least a B+ (that applies for almost all polisci classes.) Of course, in a class this big, it also depends on your GSI. Make sure you don’t get an *******. </li>
<li>No clue.</li>
<li>Knowing Janos, he’ll find a way to make it interesting.</li>
<p>oh wow! i totally forgot to come back to cc after i made this thread. thanks alot calbear2012 and bartleby for your replies and for your pinpointed answer! </p>
<p>its good that you say he’s an interesting, that should make the class much better.</p>