Emoji addition/change?

I have gotten pretty used to the new emoji system. However, I regularly find myself in want of a “surprised“ or “wow” emoji. And I have never yet found a distinction where it mattered which of the “laughing” emojis were used.

Would it be possible to remove one of the laughing emojis

:joy: or :rofl:

and replace it with something that expresses surprise such as

:open_mouth: or :astonished:

or even



Those are the emojis I miss most too!


I agree! It would be great to have “surprised” / “wow”
:hushed: :open_mouth: :astonished:

There are also a lot of posts that I would like to respond to with a “good luck!” or “fingers crossed for you!” emoji
:crossed_fingers: :four_leaf_clover:


I’d like :woman_facepalming:t2:


To the powers that be:

May we please have some additional emojis, or exchange some of the emojis that are presently there?


Also, can we replace the mending heart emjoi :mending_heart: with a hug emoji :hugs: instead? I personally have lots of confusion of what the mending heart is supposed to mean. What if the person’s heart isn’t mending yet? Or is it our heart that is wounded by the situation relayed in the post? But that’s the best emoji possible when trying to convey empathy or comfort to someone else.

Additionally, particularly as posters discuss their application plans, audition plans, interview weekends, etc, it would be really nice to have a symbol to wish the person luck. So, I’m dittoing @tamagotchi, too.


Surprise/wow is definitely the one I am missing most


Yes I’m getting tired of having to do an actual reply with :hushed: - and then having to also include the word “wow” cause the emoji is
Not enough characters…

My vote : reduce to one laugh :laughing:, :hugs: instead of :gift_heart: , :hushed: for wow or surprise or “what” or shocked , and fingers crossed would be great too :crossed_fingers:t3:

In summary, :hushed::hugs::crossed_fingers:t3: added back in.

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Agree that we don’t need two crying laugh emojis.


In thinking about it slightly more, if the quick-reply emojis can’t be color-coded to our desired skin-tone, then perhaps using the four-leaf clover :four_leaf_clover: instead of crossed fingers :crossed_fingers:t4:might be more inclusive.


Also, do we need :sob: ?

It seems to be used very rarely and the last time I saw it used, it seemed like someone was using it sarcastically, making fun of another’s misfortune. Like here’s the world’s smallest violin.

:sob: is basically a sympathy emoticon, I don’t think it would be too bad to instead have both :hugs: and :mending_heart: for different shades of sympathy, as they seem more sincere, and also don’t look as much like the laughing/crying emoji.

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good point. I also like how the clover adds a burst of color.

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I’m also thinking about which ones I never/rarely see used - it seems to be that is :bulb: and the most extreme of the laugh/cry? One. :sob:- this one.

Also while there is a mad :angry:, sometimes I use it meaning sad- because there is no sad. To me this is mad :rage:

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And one of these? For sad.
:slightly_frowning_face: And this though it is described as being “slightly frowning”

It appears that we have 12 spots for quick-reply icons. I have feelings about 10 that should be included (some of which are included…so kudos!)

EMOJI 1: Add 1 Wow/Surprise: :open_mouth: :hushed: :astonished: would all work for me

EMOJI 2: Reduce to 1 Funny/Laughing: :laughing: :rofl: :joy: would all work for me

EMOJI 3: Add 1 Good Luck :four_leaf_clover: or :crossed_fingers:t4: (if fingers crossed could have people select their default skin tone)

EMOJI 4: Add 1 Hugs/Empathy/Sympathy: :hugs:

EMOJI 5: Change to 1 Sad: :disappointed_relieved: :cry:

EMOJI 6: Keep 1 Hooray/celebration: :tada:

EMOJI 7: Keep 1 Love/heartwarming: :heart:

EMOJI 8: Keep 1 100: :100:

EMOJI 9: Keep Thumbs up/like button :+1:t4: , though it’d be great if users could select a default skin tone, but if not, then Lego yellow would be the preferred kind, as it is currently.

EMOJI 10: Keep angry :angry: or switch it to :rage:

Currently I’ve been using the lightbulb emoji :bulb: as my wow one, but I’d prefer one of the others listed above. I prefer the hug icon to the mending heart one, :mending_heart: And we don’t need all the various type of laughing ones. I’m also pretty agnostic on the winking emoji :wink:, but of the ones I’m ready to lose, it’s my preferred one, though it’s not something I’d usually use in a quick reply; it’s more one I’d use to help convey the tone of any comments I’m making.

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Every time I choose the wrapped heart by default, all I can think of is it looks like a box of Valentine candy - certainly not appropriate for what I’m trying to convey!
The list above is great!

While I use :wink: when making a comment in a post, it would rarely be a emoji response.


The one I feel like using a lot is :woman_facepalming:t2:


I think there is an idea that they want to move away from the ones that are perceived of as negative.

@CC_Jon maybe a poll?

Definitely need a sympathy emoji, not the Heart in a bandage.

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I know…but really…sometimes that emoji is better than the words I want to type.

You know…every response on this forum isn’t positive…and sometimes that needs to be the case.

Maybe this one would be better :woman_shrugging:t2:


This is the one IRL I use SO MUCH.

I really hope this is all taken under consideration. Will it be looked at? How hard of a fix is it? (Not being sarcastic, I don’t actually know!)

Emojis are really such an important feature of communication on a message board. I think people still reply plenty - they don’t frequently take the place of replying.

I would so love for these options to be updated… especially to remove the duplicate laughing emojis.

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