<p>So I got in :D I'm so glad!! But, I know I can't afford Emory. :/ Is Emory good with need-based scholarships? I'm freaking out because this is such an amazing school, and it would be awful if I got in but couldn't go because of costs. :( Help please? </p>
<p>Sent from my N861 using CC</p>
<p>Have you received your financial aid package yet? If you have and Emory is still unaffordable, you’ll probably have to go elsewhere (and still have an awesome college experience!), but that’s assuming you don’t have a complicated financial aid situation, that makes it look as though you have more money than you actually do. If the latter is true, contact financial aid. They might come through with quite a bit of money, or they might not. Doesn’t hurt to ask
If you haven’t, wait until the financial aid package comes in, and then decide whether or not you can afford it.</p>
<p>Do you know who usually gets more aid? I’ve been on free and reduced lunch for all of my high school career </p>
<p>Sent from my N861 using CC</p>
<p>They should give out financial aid based on need…though my package was 6k above my efc. Your financial aid info should be on opus by now. I don’t know about you, but at least my aid was a mix of grant, student loans, work study, and merit scholarships. My family makes under 100k and I got full tuition covered and then some</p>
<p>I can’t login to my opus until Monday bc of some difficulties. I think I messed up really badly because I submitted my CSS profile right after I found out I got in. I couldn’t afford the fees of them Profile. Do you have any idea of how this might hurt me? </p>
<p>Sent from my N861 using CC</p>