Emory admissions blog on Oxford College

“Although Oxford College may seem like a peaceful campus with quiet woods and grassy areas to lounge, there are so many things to do here. There are events every week to keep students busy: open mic nights, art showcases, and coffee house talent shows are popular among those who love the arts. There are fun activities to get students out of their comfort zone, like professor versus student volleyball tournaments. Cultural events are an opportunity to learn and appreciate others such as Diwali or Oktoberfest. I haven’t even scratched the surface of all the events at Oxford College. Here are some of the most popular fall events at Oxford College of Emory University.”

  1. Fall Retreat
  2. Mr. Oxford
  3. Halloweek
  4. "Water by the Spoonful" Fall Play
  5. Fall Formal

“Oxford to Emory Transition”
“My First Semester at Oxford College”

Emory or Oxford? Some FAQs

“A Day in the Life of an Oxford Student”