I’m like you - my EFC was 6 figures (for one) and I have two kids in school.
We all want to send our kids where they want to go - mine was American but the merit was $15K and she instantly knew it was out because I set sort of a $50K price point.
But we all have our own value systems - to me, college isn’t worth more than that. That’s my values. Others are different. Some want $20K and some will fork over the $80K. Just remember - college costs more than they tell you. Ubers, pizzas, trips into city or spring break, doctors because the campus health stinks.
You already have provided some context to future struggles financially but again - it’s a personal call.
So as the WUSTL people took me aside after the info session to push ED, I asked - what if I don’t like the offer you give me - i.e. merit.
They said, if you can’t afford the school after you get the offer, we’ll release you.
So the question I asked them is what I’m going to ask you and it’s the question I think people should think about - and the only right answer is what you think because it’s your value system - my response to them, ending with the question was:
It’s not a question of if I can I afford it (I can), it’s a question of do I want to afford it??
So that’s the question for you - as you can afford it as you say - although don’t forget your future - because it’s not an afford year by year, it’s four years. You need to plan it out since your twins will overlap - but the question is:
do you want to afford it?
Some parents might be - with three kids at once- i’m sending my kid to Bama or Arizona because they’ll get crazy aid and they can join the Honors College - because it’s a difference of $60K a year depending on stats - and 60K x 4 = $240K - that’s a lot of $$$ to save for one kid. That’s the values for those families. But that’s why you have more NMFs at Bama than any other school in the country.
Others are willing to spend, stretch themselves - even go into debt to get to a name or place they want.
But that’s the question I’d ask - if Emory is full pay or $25K off full pay or whatever the amount - do I want to afford it?
btw - these are conversations you need to have with your kids up front. Admittedly we chased merit and my daughter had 17 offers. I let her choose from 5 or 6 because they met the qualification - and fortunately she understood up front and had no issue once I laid out the final choices.
My son applied to WUSTL 3 years ago. Loved it on visit but there was zero chance I was letting my kids ED…zero…even today with all the pressure and filling half the classes. He was WL. Didn’t get off the WL but he would not have gone even if he did. He got into Purdue Engineering and a $10K merit which is unheard of. He did a summer week camp there and fell in love. But they had over enrollment issues - it’s a popular and wonderful school. And my son panicked on the housing and being 6 hours from mom. He visited Bama, with friends on a job shadow or visit college day his senior year - a place he had zero interest in, saw the campus which most love and saw Ridgecrest - the modern Honors dorm complex where he had his own room and shared bathroom with one - and he was sold. So he’s at Bama. Honestly, I’d prefer he’d go to Purdue even though it’d cost me $80K more or so - but I’ll spend $70K for four years - so I should be happy
Bama = HUGE merit.
My daughter is at C of C yes - and she’s a Charleston Fellow and International Scholar - basically special programs that - if she went to a higher ranked school - she’d be one of many…so at Charleston she gets to stand out a bit more and is in these top level programs (a subset of Honors). Charleston is a smaller city and touristy - and yes, the campus is downtown. It’s an urban area but it’s a campus - and the size, like Emory, is nice - not too big. It’s not like BU, GW, or NYU urban at all…it definitely has a campus whereas those don’t. It’s just the campus is adjacent to the main downtown street.
My daughter’s experience has been pretty great overall - because of the enrichment she’s qualified for, it’s added a lot of value to/for her - and speaking of that extra expense i mentioned - lots of ubers to the beach, lots of food (nice restaurants abound) and yes, off campus doctors because the on campus can’t get you in or just isn’t good. They do have the Medical U of SC nearby and I think she started going there for appointments as it’s much better than the campus clinic.
I just worry about the $$ - that’s a thing to me - many here talk about spending $80K like - it’s just the thing to do - and for those who value that - it’s fine…no issues. But you can see of see the internal struggle many have and I had - and I always ask -
Not can you afford it - but do you want to afford it 
One last opine - there’s a zillion schools out there your daughter will be happy at and will get a great education. Whether it’s Miami of Ohio, Kansas State, Elon, UVM - wherever and i’m not suggesting you apply to each and/or any - I’m simply saying - people fixate on a school but truth is, kids struggle and transfer from their dream schools (bad profs, bad roomie) and my guess is if your daughter has 10 schools on her list, she can probably be happy and prosper at all ten - if things work out properly. So never fall in love with one…although Emory is really nice so I understand why kids fall in love - I mean, the Coke Bottle quad is cool!!
Emory is wonderful and I wish you luck wherever your child ends up.
Anyway, feel free to PM if you have more questions about other places so i don’t dominate the thread!!