Emory Admissions Regular Decision Fall 2022

Appreciate it.

I do have dots but idk, could mean nothing haha

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I have dots, but doubt it means anything

Interesting. Think you have good shot at Emory? My stats are borderline(1510,4.0,4.6) but no dots. Wonder if they mean anything.

I have dots and I’m unsure about my shot at Emory. (1390, 4.0, 5.0) and one of my peers got in ED with significantly lower stats, not sure if that has anything to do with admission. I’m low-income, first gen college, and first gen american, but I’ve been rejected at a lot of other places too. Starting to think the dots may be a bad thing :frowning:

Nah. Dont overthink it. Hsd a student applying to aivies with dots on emory portal. Some ssid they went from no dots to dots.others say dots always there. I just thoight it was intetesting. I havent seen many without dots so i wondered about them. Good luck. Have u been accepted anywhere as of yet?

Sorry for typos.using phone as device😉

of like selective schools I got into UVA oos and waitlisted at UChicago. thank you and let’s hope I can join my peer at emory!

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My S22 has dots - don’t remember them being there before.

Just checked a couple other portals… no dots on Tulane (deferred from EA) or U of Rochester. Is this portal astrology just for Emory?

What do the dots look like exactly? Do they replace the checkmarks?

On my S22’s portal, there is one dot right after the check mark on every line.

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Interesting. I have no dots. And am finding few that have no dots are are acceptances.:thinking:

Any idea when Emory Regular Decision Results are coming out?

What do you mean? Do you mean at other schools, no dots have meant acceptances?

Always on a Wednesday at 6pm. Now as to which Wednesday in general next Wednesday would be the day. Stating that they have occasionally gone as early as tomorrow or as late as the last Wednesday of the month. This year ED1 went the last possible date but ED2 followed the more traditional route.

As for those dots, my son is currently an emory student. The portal gave no tips that he was in. The only give away was that the financial aid office called the day before his decision letter came out to understand a benefit that my husband got at emory for being a professor at U Miami. Also of note, my daughter pulled her application this year after getting in to her ED school. Her portal is still live and no dots there of course there won’t be a decision there either. I can also attest to the fact that on some platforms the portal isn’t working right at this point and looks like the old list form of gopher prebrowser. So that has dots and may be why you are seeing dots.

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Good info. So is there one particular aspect your son enjoys most and what is one he’d change if he could

If dots mean something, then I just got into Brown, Stanford, Penn, Cornell, Emory, and like 5 more because I have dots next to all of those. I love my app and put a ton of work into it, but I highly doubt I got into ALL of those. In conclusion, I don’t think dots mean anything. It was interesting though because Yale, Rochester, Northwestern, Rice, Vandy, Notre Dame and some others don’t have dots, but I doubt they mean anything. I wish they did :frowning: because those would be some nice acceptances.


He loved it. He wanted to attend Oxford for the first two years so he is there. Since he started with Covid last year he appreciated how small the school was and the way emory and Oxford has handled everything. He just recently declared his majors psychology and music - composition. Psyche is officially accepted at this point. Music comp requires one more course that he will get next year. He had the opportunity to switch campuses early but likes Oxford so much he chose to finish the two. Note that I also attended Emory (only Atlanta campus and in years where a child isn’t applying I am an alum interviewer).

Emory used to guarantee housing all four years. This is no longer true. He already went through lottery for next year housing and has selected his dorm but the process was slightly nerve wracking with the question looming. He has always gotten all classes that he has wanted but the course selection process is like online shopping for a PS5. He would prefer a process that felt a little more calm. Again we have seen people at other institutions go through similar experiences and not have a positive outcome. At Emory if you don’t get you first choice you will probably get the next best thing or get that choice at a different time. As for housing - yes people will get bumped from space the last two years but if the person really wants and needs it and is willing to change what they hope for emory has always worked it out. For example a group of four might have to be two twos or someone wanting a single may need a double but it will be found. Note housing is still guaranteed first two years.


Wow. Thank you for all that. I applied to Oxford as well as Emory main campus. The more I read,the more I like the majors and size. I’m fortunate to have been accepted to UNC and have 15 DE courses which will keep class size smaller for me having all the geneds complete and a few major courses for Econ. I live rural,so Oxford would not be a culture shock by any stretch. We will see in a week or so,I’m in the running but lots of competition. Thank you again for taking the time to respond, I attempt to piece together students and parents thoughts on schools on these sites and believe it’s been beneficial. Glad your son is enjoying his time at the school.