<p>I am a rising senior and I was wondering if I which of the courses I would recieve credit for I looked on the website but I cant find it.
World History- 4
Stat- 4
Bio- 4
Chem- 4
United States- 4
Psychology- 5
English Language- 4</p>
<p>I read on the site that all mostly all AP Credit is awarded for 4's and 5's in the form of 4 hours. AP Calc BC with a 4 or 5 gives you 8 hours and Human Geo is not accepted. Therefore, you should get 4 hours on all those courses.</p>
<p>Like many schools, Emory has a shifting policy regarding AP credit gained by passing the AP exams for various subjects. Since you are a rising senior (in H.S., presumably), you will want to keep all your options open and maximize what you can in the way of AP credit. However, you should know that each school will have its own policy peculiarities.</p>
<p>At Emory, there have been constant tweaking of AP credit policy, and I believe that they have now capped incoming AP credit at 32 credits. As well, only scores of "4" or "5" are acceptable to gain credit, and NOT all AP classes are eligible for college credit. Some may be eligible for college credit, but they may not be useful to you. For instance, let's say you're a Biology major, and you need the introductory sequence of Bio 141/142 for your freshman year, even if you score a 4 or 5 on the AP Biology exam, it will NOT serve you well, since the AP Bio credit cannot be used for Bio 141/142 credit needed for a Biology major. The credit is only given for a "non-major" Biology course that may be helpful to say a History major who needs the science class to fulfill a General Education Requirement (GER). And... as they say... policy is subject to change at any time, without notice.</p>
<p>The Emory Office of Admissions can help you if you are confused. Just check with an Admissions Rep.</p>
<p>World History- 4 - History Elective, not a GER. You should have taken AP European History instead.
Stat- 4 - Math Elective, not sure if it counts towards GER.
Bio- 4 - Bio 120 Biology for non science majors... only counts towards your GER but not your Bio/premed reqs.
Chem- 4 - Chem 141 - First semester of required Chem. You may opt in to take Chem 171/172 your first year which is Organic Chemistry and skips 141/142 all together and replaces 221/222.
United States- 4 - (HIST 232) US history GER requirement.
Psychology- 5 - (PSYC 111) - Social Science - GER.
English Language- 4 - Freshman English (Eng 101) - GER</p>
<p>stats give you MATH 107, which does count for GER</p>
<p>Emory is phasing in a new GER system in 2009 and there have been rumors of only allowing 5's..... I hope that isn't the case for your sake. I have 6 4's myself that I am using at Emory.</p>
<p>Emory is definitely moving towards only accepting 5s...and to be honest, it makes sense. In very few circumstances does getting a 4 on an AP equate to completing an Emory-level course...imao</p>
<p>I have to disagree with that... I received a 4 in Spanish Literature... and I admit I screwed up badly on 2 of my essays, it doesn't mean I didn't know the material or anything...</p>
<p>The policy for Biology AP credit has changed for this year. You can get credit for Bio 141, which is for majors usually/premed. If you choose to take Bio 141 anyways, then they will give you credit for Bio 120.</p>
<p>This information came from a Biology faculty member.</p>
<p>AP and Advanced Credit : </p>
<pre><code>* Students matriculating in Emory College prior to Fall 2005: An AP score of 4 or 5 may be used to exempt out of Biology 142. Four credits will be applied towards the 36 hours of Biology courses needed for the major.
* With the permission of the Director of Undergraduate Studies, Dr. Darrell Stokes, students may exempt of out both Biology 141 and Biology 142. However, ONLY FOUR CREDITS will be applied to the biology major. Students exempting out of both 141 and 142 will have to take an additional elective to obtain the 36 hours of biology courses needed for the major.
* Students matriculating during or after Fall 2005: If you have been given advanced placement credit in biology upon acceptance to Emory College , it may be used only as elective credit towards the 128 graduation credits, and not towards the biology major. (AP Biology credit will count toward Biology 120, the non-science Biology majors course, but does not count toward Biology 141 or Biology 142.)
<p>Yeah, I don't think the website has been updated.</p>
<p>Freshmen - I would recommend speaking with an adviser from the Biology department once you get to campus just to be sure.</p>
<p>Here's the email. I don't know who this professor is; this is just an email that was posted online:</p>
<p>"Starting this year, students with an AP score of a 4 or a 5 may get credit for the Bio141, the first course in the Biology introductory sequence required for the Biology major or for premedical students. If a student with an AP score of 4 or 5 chooses to take Bio141, they can get credit instead for Bio120. </p>
<p>"Students deciding what credit to accept should consider their score on the exam (4 or a 5), the quality of their science background in biology/chemistry/math, their comfort with entering the biology sequence at a higher level, and their potential major.</p>
<p>"Rachelle Spell, Ph.D.
Department of Biology"</p>