Emory Essay Prompt 1

<p>Emory University welcomes first-year students with two distinct options to begin their liberal arts education: the research-infused Emory College or the smaller, experiential learning Oxford College. If you could create an academic course that is in the Emory University spirit of collaboration, creativity, entrepreneurship and inquiry, what would it be? What impact would the course have on you and your classmates’ educational experience? (500 word limit) </p>

<p>I'm having trouble thinking of a course for this prompt and I can't choose the other because it is too similar to my common app. Thoughts on making a figurative class? For example, Knot tieing class- connecting strings, networking (much more to expand on)</p>

<p>I was confused too, but then thought of a bright idea at school last week. Don’t think of something completely new entirely like knot tieing (sorry, but that is more on the lines of just teaching a few hand movements, but more about doing). Try to think of some thinking based courses that can be applicable to a variety of fields.Good luck, hope this helped, if any wink: </p>

<p>:wink: </p>