Emory University

<p>I am a high school senior who will be attending the University of Georgia this fall; however, I would like to consider transferring to Emory after either my sophomore or freshman year. I have a 1410, 800 W, 800 US, 660 M1 and I am homeschooled (so my GPA 3.9 UW isn't a factor). </p>

<p>Do I have a chance (if I maintain a GPA between 3.8 - 40 at University of Georgia) Both my parents graduated from Emory, so would a legacy help in transferring?</p>

<p>Also, should I retake the SAT if I wanted to consider transferring to Penn or Cornell? What would be a good score to shoot towards? </p>


<p>I think your SAT is good for Emory and Cornell, but I do not know about Penn.</p>

<p>Emory's transfer acceptance rate is higher than their first-year acceptance rate; it's about 50%. Their minimum GPA for transferring is 3.0. I was told point-blank by an admissions officer that it's easier to transfer there than it is to gain admission as a freshman.</p>

<p>So, yes.</p>

<p>Why didnt you apply to emory as a freshmen, you would've had a shot at that probably. But yea, transfer's easier, last year they took 180 out of 420 applicants.</p>

<p>now i want to transfer to emory....... hummmmmm</p>

<p>Heh. I've been on this site. I go to Emory and I applied transfer to get out. Emory's amazing; I just didn't have many friends. But now I have friends and I LOVE Emory. So, besides the off-chance that I will get into Harvard, I think it's safe to assume I will be coming back to Emory next year. Also, even if I get in, it would be hard to leave my friends at Emory and risk starting over.</p>

<p>hey since you're from emory can you please tell me about overloading on credit at emory.</p>

<p>i mean i know they allow you to take up to 19 credis and they state that if you wanted to take more you need to get permission to over load. my question is how hard is it to get information. Is it a gpa thing like at my current school? Also what's the max one could take while overloading, ie. like at my current school the most is 24.</p>

<p>hey since you're from emory can you please tell me about overloading on credit at emory.</p>

<p>i mean i know they allow you to take up to 19 credis and they state that if you wanted to take more you need to get permission to over load. my question is how hard is it to get information. Is it a gpa thing like at my current school? Also what's the max one could take while overloading, ie. like at my current school the most is 24.</p>

<p>I dont think youd want to take more than 19 at a school like Emory, its no cc. Unless, of course, you have no life and no plans/wishes for one. Even then, it'd be near impossible to hit a 4.0.(Which there's no point in taking so many credits if you're not going to hit that)</p>

<p>i know i'm just wondering because i want to double major if i get accepted there. So do you know the answer to my previous question?</p>

<p>Haha. Actually, I'm taking five classes right now (4 credit hours x 5 class = 20 credit hours). I had to go to the dean's office to tell them I wanted to take a fifth class, and they put me right in (as long as I got a note from the professor). However, you need a certain GPA but I'm not sure what it is. Yes, five classes is tough. I don't know if there is a max; it's just what they'll let you put yourself in and if you can find the right classes that don't have conflicting hours.</p>

<p>i'm currently at tulane right now and i am taking 21 credits, I'm taking 8 classes right now. i know emory is harder but i just really want to double major in anthropology and human biology and biology.</p>

<p>Okay. thanks for the information. I guess i'll just give the office at emory a call.</p>

<p>Why are you taking such as heavy classl load? Does it help your chances when you apply?</p>

<p>nah it probably won't help any.</p>

<p>I'm just taking alot of classes because i believe in getting my money's worth plus i like to learn. me=geek :)</p>

<p>Do you think an SAT score in the 1200s is too low to apply to Emory?</p>