Emory vs CWRU vs GA Tech for Neuroscience Premed

Any feedback (pros vs cons) on this choice?

Cost of attendance: Emory $320K vs CWRU $240K vs GT $120K, though cost is not an issue…

3 different schools. Environments. Weather. Size.

Which suits you ?

Me I’d be at Ga Tech bcuz frankly given the major, I’d be saving money. But since that doesn’t matter to you, which environment did you feel best ?

thanks, but heard GT is tough to get high GPA, especially on Math and Physics, and no med school/hospital on campus, frankly like Atlanta better, but Cleveland Clinic is also attractive…

Figure out if it’s true about GT. I think you’ll see that neuro has a higher GPA.


Saving $200k would help with med school unless money isn’t a concern. Assuming no loans?

thanks, the intro classes (math, physics) are the same to all majors, i assume, so maybe the upperclass grades are favorable to Neuro than to Math and Physics students? the undergraduate costs are covered by parents, need to take loans on Med school, so yes saving money will help for med school

but Ga Tech is not good at arts and humanities which are required by some Med schools, and CWRU has good training on Seminars/writing so is Emory, in addition to the on site hospitals and med schools, leaning towards to private schools, but not sure how much benefits can get out of it comparing to Ga Tech

GT & Emory are part of the Atlanta consortium so allow cross-registration and have some joint activities and programming (especially for pre-meds). There are plenty of options for shadowing near GT. As an anecdote, my D interned last summer at a free/low cost health clinic very close to GT. There were several GT premed kids there with her (she attends a different college but we live in Atlanta).

CWRU is a great option as well. You have fantastic choices so congratulations! If your parents are willing to set aside any savings on undergrad to contribute to med school, I understand why you would take that into consideration. If not, then choose the best fit… which sounds like CWRU or Emory.

thanks for the info, that is very helpful to know GT has the options for PreMed. How likely to maintain high GPA at GT especially on premed classes, such as match and physics? understand your DD may be from other school.

Seems saying money is not an issue is not true then.

for undergrad is not an issue, but any saving from undergrad for sure will help med school. just trying to figure out if any school will help improve the chance of be admitted to med school…

It is an issue if it will help with the $400k of med school.

All three will produce med school students but most who aspire to med school at 18 will never go there.

Ga Tech is biggest and most urban. You’ll have engineers that you won’t at Emory.

If you like Atlanta best, I’d decide between these two.

It’s not like no Ga Tech students end up in med school so I’m not buying the - it’s too hard to get in argument. But it does seem they might be the weakest in advising but advising doesn’t = a better candidacy.

If that’s the case - needing high grades - why not go to your cheap, nearby low rated state school and crush it ??

My D is at another school, but we know many GT kids. Her high school bestie is a psychology major at GT now on a premed track. According to her the classes are challenging, but she is managing to keep her grades up. She is completing her sophomore year and still a pre-med so that is a good sign. :grinning: She is also very involved in ECs that interest her so has found a good balance. She opted to do the summer start and is happy with that decision as it allowed her acclimate to college life with a smaller cohort and to get some gen eds out of the way. She also had AP credits for several classes which gave her a bit of flexibility with scheduling.

I have heard her complain about registration for the classes she wants, but it sounds like it has worked out even if she had to initially get on a waitlist. Some of it is also due to her not being flexible about taking early classes. lol

I’ve seen many posts on CC cautioning against GT for premeds. No doubt GT is an academically rigorous school. I’d venture to say the med school pre-requisites are difficult everywhere (my D just survived ochem2 and got her first ever B… and is proud of it!)

Best of luck with your decision!


You can drill down to a particular class from the link I sent. You should be able to figure out the grades for intro classes.

Based on your admissions I’m assuming you’re an excellent student. If you went to a good HS and did well in Calc AB or BC you’re ready for GT.


Given the direction of healthcare reimbursements I would try to minimize debt.

GT sends plenty of students to med school. They offer advising. You’ll have to work hard but it’s possible.

Case and Emory are excellent for pre-med but you’ll also have to work hard there.

I’m not saying GT is the best fit for you. Only you can decide. Just don’t toss it out because you’ve heard it’s not a good place for pre-med.

Good luck.


Thx for sharing the Ga Tech course grade distribution data.

Chem 1211K (non Engineering Chem 1): 2021-22 fall semester avg gpa 3.07, spring 3.09.

Chem 1212k (non Eng Chem 2) fall: 3.42, Spring 3.32, Summer 3.0.

Chem 2311 Orgo 1: fall 3.26, spring 3.42, summer 3.25.

It difficult to assess these grades in a vacuum, without being able to compare to other schools on the list.


It doesn’t matter. All of these schools are selective, so the student body is going to be more “brainy.” Of course there’s going to be a higher admittance to medical school than average, because the stats are going to be skewed upward. Medical schools look at grades and MCAT scores individually, and they’re basically blind to where applicants graduated from.

My advice is to take “premed” out of the equation when choosing. Only a small handful of “premeds” graduating from high school actually decide to go to medical school. College is where you discover your real passions, so it helps to have an open mind and to have a lot of options available if you decide medicine isn’t right for you. My suggestion would be GA Tech. It’s the least expensive with the most available options.

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What did you end up choosing?
It sounds like CWRU was the better fit (since you were concerned about Arts&Humanities, wanted a city, proximity to hospitals, etc, while not being as expensive as Emory and apparently your parents could afford it& would still have savings compared to Emory that wd go toward med school) but GTech’s price point and rigor may have won out?

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