Eng 4 IB

<p>Im an A student my gpa is at 4.39/4.4. I'm a motivated student and I was thinking about taking Eng 4 IB. How hard is the class? Eng 3 AP was easy for me.and I left with an A. Any advice? Also how hard is the IB eng test?</p>

<p>Do you mean IB English HL or SL? Personally I found HL to be a walk in the park, but if you don’t have strong analytic skills and essay writing skills it will be difficult. If you found AP English easy then HL English shouldn’t be bad either. In my experience HL English took the skills I learned in AP and refined them (I did well on both). We didn’t offer SL English at my school, but I would imagine it would be easier by definition.</p>

<p>At my school its just eng 4 AP or Eng 4 IB no sl or hl</p>

<p>You should probably ask them, but either way it’ll be pretty easy for you since you did well on AP English.</p>

<p>Agreed, it’s definitely important that you know whether you’ll be judged on HL or SL standards.</p>

<p>Also, I agree that HL hasn’t really been a problem for me. It’s mostly analysis, and being able to put together a comprehensible written analysis for things like your Written Assignment, a presented analysis for your IOP, and a commentary for your IOC and written commentaries. As long as you can manage analysis, putting it down or talking about it will follow. Good teachers give you lots of in-class practice anyways.</p>