<p>I think Matlab's "why" command trumps Intercal's "Please"</p>
<p>SSH -> teer20.oit.duke.edu</p>
<p>That is so cool.</p>
<p>This is one of the funnier conversations I have ever seen on this site. Oh silly prattlings...</p>
<p>What I want to know is how often do students randomly throw "why" commands into codes for class? I would think it would have to be a grade-booster if anything...</p>
<p>ok i engineer, but i not that engineer :)</p>
<p>I got really frustrated with how long an engineering lab was taking once because I wanted to get done before spring break and and started naming variables arbitrarily.</p>
<p>The 'why' command probably would have gotten my point across to the TA, though if I recall correctly I didn't have any points taken off, just a warning that my variable names didn't represent the actual values I was storing in them.</p>
<p>Example code:</p>
for i=1:1:5
% while cats=happy
% continue food(t);
% end
TEHANSWER(i)=fzero('vapor',[-.999 .999],optimset('fzero'),i);
fprintf('TEHANSWER IS!: %8.3f
fprintf('martinvanburen says that the answer to 6.18 given a guess of 1 rad/s is %8.3f - shocking results, good sir!
fprintf('martinvanburen says that the answer to 6.18 given a guess of 1000 rad/s is %8.3f - shocking results, good sir!
for i=1:1:numel(R)
xlabel('Resistance (ohms)')
ylabel('Angular Frequency (radians)')
title('Circuit results (jtm10)')
print -deps martinvanburen
slovenia=fzero('spring',[0 5000],optimset('fzero'),40000,40);
fprintf('Croatia is not amused with this value: %8.3f
slovenia=fzero('spring',[0 5000],optimset('fzero'),40040,0);
fprintf('Croatia is not amused with this value: %8.3f
slovenia=fzero('spring',[0 5000],optimset('fzero'),20020,20020);
fprintf('Croatia is not amused with this value: %8.3f
<p>It was a lot funnier at 4am.</p>
<p><em>even more confused</em></p>
<p>Thanks Joe. Now I have to re-write that whole lab assignment. Sheesh.</p>
<p>Oh. Didn't think of that, my bad. And CC doesn't let me edit posts retroactively... hmm. I'll message an admin/mod and ask them to cut out the code in there. Even though you're joking, and anyone who tried to make sense of what I wrote deserves what they get.</p>
<p>now we all know your netid!</p>
<p>well, a couple of us</p>
<p>Not a big deal. You could have gotten it through LDAP or any of the posts where I tell people to email me at jtm10 at duke dot edu.</p>
<p>The LDAP bit is cool, though:</p>
<p>Great for when you get emails from <a href="mailto:abc93@duke.edu">abc93@duke.edu</a> and have no clue who it is.</p>