Eng at VT

<p>Hey there. So as many of you may know i have posted on the VT forum yesterday about my decision. </p>

<p>My question to VT people now is about Eng. in general at VT</p>

<p>I have seen many US news rankings and VT has been up there for a while. But I want to get the opinion of a student from the Eng. department at VT</p>

<p>How were you professors? Did you learn well from them? Did you hate them? </p>

<p>How about the career center. Has it helped you (being the VT student) out to get a job or intern spot? Does the center just push you in the right direction? or is the center just there and you felt that it had to help?</p>


<p>The first year general engineering professors are hit or miss, with a few more misses than hits. As for the general education professors it’s a little better. After that its going to depend heavily on what major you pick. I had everything from several great professors that really cared about their students to geniuses that nobody could understand to newer professors that didn’t quite know what they were doing yet. In general I would say I liked my professors and they were very accessible. Being from a smaller major we all got to know eachother really well.</p>

<p>The career fairs for engineering are really good; that’s where I got the job I have now. They’re not going to come drag you out of bed, slap a suit on you and shove you into an interview, but if you’re willing to take initiative there are a lot of resources.</p>

<p>Son #1 (taking 1xxx and 2xxx courses) would concur with chuy. He found his upcoming summer internship through the career fair.</p>

<p>@mathkid76 - were you able to visit each of your potential choices?</p>

<p>Yes I have been to all the colleges and universities I applied to. I enjoyed Vt very much. I just need to look past the cold weather that I experienced on my visit a few weeks ago. As it looks now, Vt is going to be the one for me because of its reputation, career services, and the cost. Clemson would be my next choice but it’s price tag is just not where I need it to be and the same goes for Villanova. </p>

<p>Any other input on the Eng at Vt would be great if anyone passing by this thread would want to drop a few words in! </p>

<p>Sent from my SPH-L900 using CC</p>