Eng Comp 3

<p>How helpful is EngComp3 in improving writing... do people really benefit a lot from the class?</p>

<p>Have there been students who didn't need to take it, but took it anyways... or does UCLA even allow people who exempted out of Writing I to take the class? Thanks</p>

<p>i'm a pretty good writer so it was a waste of time all the stuff i knew and got easy As on every paper...except my last one i got cocky and barely did any work on it , got a B, and an A- for the class. point is, its not that helpful unless you're new to writing english.</p>

<p>i took it last quarter. i did a mediocre job on my first essay, but after a while i started to catch my own mistakes without having the professor catch them. you probably wont learn writing techniques, but you will learn to minimize, or even eliminate, grammatical mistakes</p>

<p>btw steinberg is an amazing professor</p>

<p>im glad i took the class :)</p>

<p>im taking it right now and i dont think it is improving my writing at all. it all depends on your professor i guess. All my papers are due during finals week so it is hard for me to get feedback on how i write until the end.</p>