Engineering and AP Calc credits...what to do

<p>AP scores are out. DS took Calc AB in 11th grade and Calc BC in 12th. He <strong>was</strong> confident to skip Calc I and use the AP credits, but take Calc II in the spring so he was certain to not have “holes” in his learning.</p>

<p>He is now 2nd guessing this decision. His AP score was a 4. </p>

<p>Since he didn’t plan to take Calc II until spring, I know he has plenty of time to chat with other students and get opinions. But, for today, this is stressing him out.</p>

<p>Did anyone’s student skip Calc II with AP score of 3 or 4? If so, could they keep up with Calc III and Physics?</p>

<p>Longhaul - did he plan not to skip until he got a 4 on the exam? What is his reason for wanting to skip?</p>

<p>I don’t have direct experience but my D’s Calc tutor had decided to take Calc II in-spite of a passing Ap score, the class was killer, she dropped it and used her Ap test instead, she said Calc III was a breeze.</p>

<p>Original Plan was to NOT skip it no matter the score.</p>

<p>Then the announcement was made at the 1st Bama Bound that those who skip Calc I and II can skip Engr 103. So this potentially opens 3 classes in his schedule. A good thing for a kid who wants to take humanities and music courses.</p>

<p>He hemmed and hawed and went back to original plan, mainly because he did not have a steady teacher thru Calc II and was concerned that the multiple change in instructors left gaps in his learning.</p>

<p>Then, AP scores came out on Friday. I believe he thought he’d score lower on the AP. Now he is back to confusion. He has pulled prior syllabi and is combing thru it.</p>

<p>Longsx3 – Your D’s tutor situation is not one that DS considered. He did not consider the time intensity it would be.</p>

<p>IMO, I think either decision will leave him questioning if it was correct. I think he just needs to make a decision and stop second guessing.</p>

<p>My son got a 5 on the BC as a HS sophomore. One of his best friends, who graduated from the engineering school, got a 4. They agree that if you got a 4 on the BC (or better), go to Calculus III. Calculus II is a killer. Even the teacher at my younger son’s HS (which is where I also teach) has said that. And this lady is unreal as a calculus teacher. Students who came in to the class with no shot of getting a 4 or 5 do. So we trust her judgment.</p>

<p>There is some discussion of II v III in the following thread including what we were told by the head of the math department at UA: </p>

<p><a href=“[/url]”>;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>I would definitely take the credit and move on. Calculus 2 is fairly difficult and most of the stuff taught in Calculus 2 won’t be used again in future classes. As long as he knows derivatives and integrals he will be fine. That is all I have had to know for Calculus 3, DiffEq and the all of the engineering classes I have taken.</p>

<p>DS got 5 on BC, and took Calc II anyway. It reinforced his knowledge and was an easy A+ for him.</p>

<p>^^Good to know, Chardo. DD just got a 5 on BC and was second guessing the decision to retake Calc 2. I will recommend she sticks to the plan.</p>

<p>Your S plans on aero, right Longhaul? I would recommend talking with some UA eng’g faculty about this in the aero dept. If your S = a math guy (high ACT subscore…likes the subject…eats math for breakfast), then I would also most definitely suggest skipping directly into Calc III, but to do so FALL semester (not wait until Spring), so as to not forget any math skills. Calc III takes off where Calc I ended, and while there was a little bit of review in Calc III class for my own S, the students are expected to keep up from the off. Also remember that these courses are taught in under 1/2 the time that they are in high school. </p>

<p>Did your S take AP Physics? The 2nd half of your question had to do with how skipping Calc I/II affected Physics at UA. My S skipped Physics I and II, as well as Calc I/II. PM me if you want specifics. Good luck.</p>

<p>MereMom, there will be at least 3 boys at the party this weekend who were in this same scenario same time last year. Your D can talk to all of them to get their opinions.</p>

<p>Longhaul…how were his BC subscores? If he didn’t do well on the BC part, then maybe he does need to take Cal II.</p>

<p>I’ll have to get specifics from him – I think the BC is 4.</p>

<p>He’ll make some calls to the Aero department later this week.</p>

<p>If the “skip” and take credit were for Calc II only, I don’t think he’d be questioning any of this. Since it is now tied to ENGR 103 and he is looking at a minor in a humanities, I think the “opening” of 2 class slots is why he is questioning all of this.</p>

<p>Thanks for everyone’s input. I know this topic has been covered elsewhere. Appreciate your patience</p>

<p>I had a similar dilemma. I got 5 on BC this year and ultimately signed up for Calc 3/Physics at bamabound. I’d say if he wanted to go to calc 3 and unsure on his Calc 1/2, just go through past year’s AP Calc BC FRQ’s off the collegeboard website for solid and free preparation.</p>

<p>My son’s situation was much like others here. Great math student in high school went from trig to AP Calc BC. Was taught by a solid teacher and did great all through the year. This teacher was tough and most of her students scored 4 or 5 on AP exam routinely. So my son was anticipating the same results. When it came time to register for bamabound he downloaded a copy of the calc II and calc III syllabus and took them to his teacher. She recommended he take the CALC II because there were concepts that Alabama covered in more depth than they had in class. </p>

<p>As this was going on I kept reading on here to have him skip to calc III. He decided to listen to his teacher and was very happy with that decision. He said the class moved fast and some of the concepts were harder than he anticipated. He was not in honors calc as that was not offered fall semester 2 yrs ago. He got an A but it was not easy. He also was taking honors chem at the time and juggling marching band.</p>

<p>In the end, he did get his 5 on the AP exam as did most of his class. He is an aerospace major and never regretted his decision. He is still loving math and he is doing lots of tutoring in that area this summer.</p>

<p>Every kid is different. Just let them decide and move forward. Good luck.</p>

<p>My son’s school doesn’t offer AP Calc, but he took the AP AB Calc exam and got a 4. He’s planning on skipping Calc I and taking Calc II in the fall with Dr. Corson and then Calc III in the spring. He’s always been strong in math so hopefully he will be okay. He’s a CS major but he’s thinking double majoring in math.</p>