Engineering Ethics: 183 or 185?

<p>Since we get an option of which class to take for the ethics requirement, I was just curious if anyone as any insight on what the differences are between the two classes. Is one known for being particularly more interesting, easier, better professor, etc? I have a friend in 183 right now and he doesn't like it at all :/</p>

<p>No one likes taking those classes so just flip a coin.</p>

<p>There is an engineering thread! I should ban you! :mad:</p>

<p>well i asked the same question on the engineering thread and no one ever replied…</p>

<p>i’d like to know as well…</p>

<p>This **** has been asked and answered already! :mad:</p>

<p>[Post #2312](<a href=“”>;/a&gt;)</p>



<p>old. </p>

<p>1)those responses were from before ethics was a writing II course
2) the “easy” professor for engr185 (Joseph Miller) passed away this summer so i heard engr185 is different from before. would like new opinions from students who are currently taking it.</p>

<p>You won’t get them. Most of the people around here took the engineering ethics course before the change. So you’re **** outta luck!</p>

<p>ENGR 185 is closed/cancelled currently. 183 shows open though.</p>

<p>Met both the professors who are teaching this quarter and they are very nice. Haven’t heard much about the class, except there will be more writing in the following quarters (EW) and now, students have to rewrite essays.</p>