Engineering - International German Student Exchange Program

does anyone have any personal experience or insight about this program? this sounds really intriguing to both me and my son.

do you have to be enrolled at UA to be invited to the program, or can you be admitted but not yet made your final college decision?

Yes, you have to be admitted to UA to enroll in the program. There is an essay that you write on why you would ant to be in the program. I believe they take only 25 students. My son applied and was accepted but than decided not to enter the program but still went to UA. He’s a freshman now. The program is quite interesting but my son thought it might be a little much. Dr. B was really good about replying to emails but if you can ask for a one on one metting with him, he’ll blow you away. He normally does not do that. Very passionate.

My son had a meeting with Dr. B about the program last week when we visited UA, and here is what he learned. The program is in its third year, and the first class of students is in Germany now. The first class of students had a lot of attrition, so they made some adjustments to the program for later years. The invitations to students to apply will go out at the beginning of March. They require the students to take German 101 and 102 (at UA or elsewhere) before starting freshman year, which has cut down on the number of students applying but also made sure they are better prepared for the classes. Dr. B. said they want students to maintain a GPA of 3.75 or better, but they don’t kick you out if you go under. I think he said the current average GPA of students in the program is 3.8.

My son got the impression it was tough but doable. You take one German class each semester freshman year, a summer immersion program, one German class each semester sophomore year, and an automotive engineering class taught in German 2nd semester sophomore year. There is an optional 2nd German class series you can take as a sophomore, which I think is mainly if you want to get a formal major/minor in German. They use the European language tests and the students need to test at level B2 before they go to Germany junior year.

The application is not extensive, the student basically has to write a letter explaining why they want to do the program. Dr. B said that cost wise the extra cost is the summer immersion program and whatever it costs you to take German before you start. The year in Germany ends up costing about the same as a year at UA. It sounds interesting, and my son is planning to apply.


that’s really helpful and thorough information. thanks very much.

Just announced:

[UA Offering Engineering Course Taught in German](UA Offers Engineering Course Taught in German - University of Alabama News)

My son is in this program and really loves it so far. On top of the Presidential scholarship, this was icing on the cake for him as he wanted to study abroad (in Europe) and he also wanted to get real work experience at a top company (that he could put on his resume) while getting his degree - and this program checks all the boxes in a very meaningful way. He is studying Electrical and Computer Engineering and is now in his second semester at UA. My son took 4 years of German in HS and he was able to take the German placement test (on MyBama) and he scored well so he did not have to take 101/102 prior to his first semester. He tells me he can’t wait to go to the immersion program in Taos this summer and then go to Germany his junior year. He likes the people in the program and seems they communicate well and are always available - whether speaking to Dr B (the head of the program) or the German professors or other students in the program. Just this week his group went and did a personalized tour of ZF Chassis in Tuscaloosa (German company and prime supplier of chassis and transmissions to Mercedes Benz), then next week they have a conference call with current students who are in Germany this semester so they are keeping the group informed and motivated. My perception is they do want students to do well so they support them but there also is an expectation to do well (GPA wise). So far this program has met or exceeded all expectations - as has UA.

Does anyone have any idea what the dates are that students are invited to apply? As long as it doesn’t interfere with CBHP, this definitely seems appealing.

I was told the invitations to apply would go out at the beginning of March. But you can always email Dr. B directly and ask, my son found him helpful, and it isn’t hard to find his email on the UA website.

@turkle321 For CBH, the requirement after freshman year is to take 4 seminar courses in 6 semesters. This leaves 2 free semesters where study abroad in Germany could take place.