Engineering + music minor?

<p>Does anyone here know if it is possible to major in engineering and minor in music at U of A? Or better yet, is there anyone here who is doing this or has done this? Are music classes at U of A open to non-majors?
I tried searching on the U of A website and couldn’t find anything. Does U of A encourage minors in general?
We visited more than a year ago and I vaguely remember someone asking about this (or maybe they asked about double majoring) and I don’t think the answer was very encouraging.
Now it is decision-making time and I’m looking for last-minute answers. My son plans to major in electrical engineering, but would like to also continue a serious study of music.

<p>Well, I’m a bioinformatics major with a theatre arts minor. There was absolutely no issue with that, and I haven’t heard of a single major yet that didn’t allow minors. From what I’ve seen, music minors can be paired with anything you want, and there are always classes open to minor. (Most programs also have at least 2-3 classes open to non-majors/non-minors, at least when it comes to the fine arts.)</p>