Engineering student with special needs - Purdue vs. Case Western vs. WPI

Hi, my son is accepted into these 3 engineering programs. Currently, he has a 504 plan in high school (gives him extra time for test taking and projects) and he visited all 3, like them for different reasons. He is very bright kid but given the slower processing speed we want to make sure he finds an environment where he can thrive. We really appreciate any insights you’d like to share:

  1. Which school provides the best accommodations for kids with 504 plan. Do professors help kids with special needs by giving them the necessary accommodations? Are professors easily accessible?

  2. Is Purdue a very rigorous engineering school as compared to Case and WPI?

  3. In terms of jobs prospects, are the schools equally seen favorable by the employers?

  4. Purdue being such a large school, is it hard to find help in navigating the system?

  5. For internship, co-ops, research or study aboard, which school has the most ample opportunity to do them?

  6. In term of school culture, will a student with disability be “put down”, chastised for being different in campus? Which school has the most welcoming culture?

Have you spoken with the disability resource center at Purdue and the other schools? In my experience they are extremely responsive and helpful. If not, I’d recommend you do it ASAP since you only have a couple more weeks to decide.

These seem to be three very different choices - all very good in their own ways. I think Purdue and Case tend to be more academically traditional engineering programs, where WPI is more project-based/hands on. Our son applied and was accepted at both Case and WPI. Both Purdue and Case are very tough. Case’s engineering program is large and Purdue’s is VERY large. You may want to check whether Purdue’s program is pyramidal, not necessarily in a formal way but by self selection. Find out what percentage of freshman engineering students go on to graduate with engineering degree. I suspect that Case has a higher percentage of students who continue in engineering, but I could be wrong on that. You may want to consider your son’s learning style/strengths in making this decision. If he is a more hands-on kind of learner, WPI may be the best of the three.

Case is a very welcoming school (I can say this from personal experience) and they tolerate/celebrate a lot of intellectual and “geeky” diversity. I would suspect that is true for WPI as well. I can’t comment on Purdue in that regard. I also know that Case included a break-out session at orientation to provide information about learning support for kids. I think that is pretty common in most schools now, but I would check that out also. Given the demand, the real issue about access to learning support is a student’s willingness and effort in seeking out the help. I don’t think any universities are likely to chase a student, even if he is academically struggling unless he comes for help.

@rio198 did your son make a decision between these schools?

My son has the same 504 and the schools are also on his list to apply in 2017. Would you please share with me where your son ended up going and how he is doing? Thanks

What’s your son decision end up with? very interested to know. My son have the same situation.