Engineering UCLA vs. USC

<p>After reading the thread on Cal vs. UCLA vs. UCSD, it sounds like it is hard to get due to over crowded classrooms (less personal attention).
Therefore, if you get more than one acceptance between these schools, isn't it better to take USC because you can get your classes and get more individual attention? After all, people say Engineering is hard and it would seem reasonable that the extra individual attention at USC is very beneficial.</p>

<p>I feel like you can get all the individual attention you need (at UCLA for engineering) if you just go to office hours and make an effort to talk to your professor. Most of the professors I've had are pretty welcoming for students to come and talk about whatever.</p>

<p>And if you're specifically talking about individual attention in classes, you can always raise your hand and ask questions. </p>

<p>Also, I haven't had major problems with classes. It may be a hassle but it usually works out in the end.</p>

<p>Is it true that class size goes down after freshman year in Engineering at UCLA because kids are dropping out (too hard)? How large are the classes? Do you know any thing about computer engineering and computer science at UCLA?
Thanks so much.</p>

<p>Weeding happens at every college. Get used to it. </p>

<p>Most people don't find their true major till near the middle of their second year if I remember right.</p>

ChemE 08</li>

<p>If you want to know anything specific about the CS/CSE major at UCLA, i suggest you either skim through or ask questions in Flopsy's Engineering thread.</p>

<p>Also, to add on to the individual attention vs. class size question: as you reach upperdiv classes in CS/CSE, the class size is around 20-30 students. it's pretty easy to get to know your professor/TA personally in the later years.</p>

<p>and not everyone drops out because it's too hard. like TB54 said, a lot of students don't really finalize their major until later.</p>

<p>what makes you think USC will give you all the personal attention, USC isn't really like the small privates that have small classes... they have a giant student population that can match up to the publics...</p>

<p>small privates.</p>


<p>"Most people don't find their true major till near the middle of their second year if I remember right."</p>

<p>That is actually not really that true, for south campus majors. Just look at all the prereqs you need for engineering/life sci/physical sci. Most people in those majors go in knowing what they want to major in. Lets say you came in undeclared as an english major and took a bunch of GE's then decide you want to be an engineer half way through your 2nd year. Then you'd start taking prereqs for engineering spring of 2nd year. You will be RIDICULOUSLY behind, even with summer school. Ask any engineer.</p>

<p>To the OP: It depends on what you are looking for in individual attention. I would say that getting the classes you want would be a big plus @ USC, however, engineers at the public schools still manage to get things straightened out despite the issue of overcrowding, you learn to adapt. If you want attention from professors and/or counselors, from my experience it seem like most people don't even bother going out of laziness and stuff, so it wouldn't be too hard if you wanted to just chat up with the professor or counselors. Just don't expect to do it when its rush hour, i.e. right before midterms and finals for profs, and before registration for counselors. Stop being an attention whore, learn to be independent :rolleyes:.</p>

Lets say you came in undeclared as an english major and took a bunch of GE's then decide you want to be an engineer half way through your 2nd year. Then you'd start taking prereqs for engineering spring of 2nd year. You will be RIDICULOUSLY behind, even with summer school. Ask any engineer.


<p>How many English majors switch to engineering? :rolleyes: Even for the undeclared who switch to engineering, they knew that they were going that path during their first two quarters! Most courses for engineers during their first two quarters are the same - they'll be fine. They just start enrolling in the same courses as if they got in, and usually they do. </p>

<p>Anyone else who wants to switch to engineering from a different realm after one year will probably take the 5 year path. Too bad for them. They can get out in 4 if they take 5-6 courses per quarter, but they just don't.</p>

<p>This puts them along with the group of 5 year transfers, the lazy kids, the people who fail, the people who claim they couldn't get in a course when they could have begged, etc. Everyone should be able to get out in 4 years - the whole 5 year engineering idea/excuse is overrated (unless you're really taking extra courses for the passion of learning - ex. EM waves, quantum mechanics, or if you work over 25 hours/week).</p>

<p>It just depends on your character, motivation, persistence.</p>

<p>As for attention, I agree with MrMoo. Learn to be independent. Research has shown that you only learn 30% in lecture and recitations. The rest if on your own - prereading the book before lecture, reading lecture notes and the book after lectures, attempting and solving problem sets, outside research on topics of interest.</p>

<p>One thing you learn in college is that you aren't meant to be spoon-fed. You have to challenge yourself , doubt anything you don't feel is correct, and let your curious mind be at work. High school was too much on memorizing equations, solving easy problems, and following systematic solutions.</p>

<p>College will be more about theory, how the theory works, and how there are many ways to approach a problem. If everything was high school again, we'd all be too practical and there would be no advancements in science!</p>

<p>It is good to get help, but don't rely on that too much. I never heard of anyone from USC who couldn't get tutoring. But not everyone needs tutoring. Try to solve problems yourself first - then ask. At UCLA, the professor and TA's availability is usually sufficient.</p>

<p>If you ever felt that you needed help but couldn't get it, it usually means you started late (start earlier next time). This takes care of the "too crowded office hours" excuse too.</p>

<p>5th year:
Don't know for other engineering departments but if you fail or miss any core class, which is pretty much any CH ENG class, you are delayed a whole year. Most of these classes are offered once a year and in sequential. Seems like bunch of other departments are "branches" rather than "tree trunks" so to speak.</p>

<p>College life:
It's true you have to think for yourself, find yourself and grow up into a responsible adult. Not all professors love you, not all TAs love you, you're in college for yourself, so have fun or else you'll find yourself miserable.</p>

<p>On engineering:
Most who stay in engineering declared engineering or some type of physical/biological science when they began . The 360 revolution is rare, but it does happen. </p>


<p>SLO > USC & UCLA for engineering</p>

<p>i bet it's better than Stanford, too.</p>

<p>please post something better than "SLO pwnz!"</p>

<p>maybe for the other UCs, i doubt its better than UCLA, cal, or stanford</p>


Don't know for other engineering departments but if you fail or miss any core class, which is pretty much any CH ENG class, you are delayed a whole year. Most of these classes are offered once a year and in sequential.


<p>I know MAE for sure isn't. I'm sure by now, someone has complained about the availability of courses, so that a class should be offered every other quarter, at least. </p>

<p>How likely is it to fail in ChE anyways?</p>

<p>UCLA is better academically than USC, hands down. They have a slightly better film and music school, but otherwise, money is the deciding factor, which USC has a lot more of.</p>

<p>Do people fail? Yes, Drake failed a guy.</p>

<p>If you try your best, will you fail? No.</p>


<p>is slo really greater than usc and ucla because i got into all three for electrical and im trying to decide but im leaning more towards usc and ucla</p>

<p>UCLA Engineering has more weeder courses than USC Engineering. :rolleyes:</p>

<p>flopsy i don't understand what that</p>