English Grade Questions

So I came from a foreign country in 8th grade, and I have taken only English honors classes. But, my grades for these classes have been half a letter grade lower than the rest of my classes(my school has A+, A, A-). How will this look? Will it look like a weakness? How can I improve it?

Any help is appreciated.

It won’t look that bad on your transcript, as long as colleges understand that you came from a foreign country. It won’t be looked at as a weakness because you have an excusable reason. As for how you can improve it… I can’t really give you tips on that without knowing your grade level and your actual grade in the class (e.g. if you are a sophomore and have a A-, then I would say to just keep up the A- and possibly try to bring it up a little before you apply to colleges so they can see improvement from 8th grade to 11th grade).

@chanoo2003 I am a junior with A- in 9th grade, 10th grade

Okay, so in that case you still have some time to improve before you start your college apps. I would suggest identifying your weaknesses (annotation, reading, content, comprehension, etc) and talking with your teacher after school or before school on how to remedy those weaknesses (tutorials, extra work, etc). Try to read a couple extra books outside of English class (unless you already do so) and try to read books with high - level academic vocabulary. That’s all I can offer for now, so I wish you good luck @mastersk :slight_smile:

Are you saying you get an A- in English and A or A+ in everything else?
I would stop worrying. I would spend this summer reading reading and more reading to help your english.

@bopper Yes that is what I am saying.


A- is still pretty good grade, it will not be your weakness and don’t worry that much