<p>Im in my freshman year and so far only thing killing me right now is English. My worst subject, and only subject I find boring. I was never that good in English, as you can see from this message it self. I feel like English is gonna be that one thing that will pull me down (we have to write one huge history research paper every single year till grad.)</p>
<p>To be more specific Im terrible at writing. I have no flow what so ever, and they never make sense. This like overlaps with my history class too, even though I have straight As in History. Any tips? Thanks</p>
<p>Is English your second language?
Writing is the one thing I’m confident anyone can improve on by practice. The more you write, the more you read, the more you know. </p>
<p>Reading helps more than anything. Search for books that actually will pique your interest. If you’re bored too easily, get shorter books of the same quality. Just read frequently. :)</p>
<p>Yea, it is. I came to the US in 07. Ill try to read more, i guess. thanks</p>
<p>I see, I really empathize LOL I struggled with English, too.
I know just reading and writing seems far-fetched, but you do get a grip of how authors use sentence structure to make their words sound verbally appealing. It’ll sink in, or that’s how it went for me at least. haha I’m a freshman too and I know it’s a drag with all the schoolwork…but leisure reading right before you sleep is really nice.</p>
<p>If you ever need help with English or something feel free to PM.
I used to tutor second language learners in my spare time and I’d be happy to help! It’s my favorite subject. And I do write better English than how I type on CC, rest assured x)</p>
<p>Write, then revise if you think it is not good enough. If you are unsure of a particular grammar rule, go search it NOW, NEVER LATER OR YOU WILL FORGET.
Did you write your post colloquially or seriously?</p>