English or Journalism?

<p>To be completely honest, I have always been extremely indecisive about my intended career. After three years of TRYING to figure out, I decided to stop. I clearly figured out what type of career I want to do. It's bound to be something related to writing. For a while, I had my heart set on Journalism but although I found it interesting, I figured that my chances at getting a job in the states doing it aren't that huge since I'm an international student and Journalism will only limit me to one type of career. On the other hand, English will give me opportunities to go to Law school, write a screenplay, teach English in the states or overseas, go into publishing, write a book or become a journalist. To be completely honest, each and every one of these options appeal to me but the bad reputation and lack of specialization bothers me. What do you think?</p>

<p>Moderator’s Note: Please stop opening a new thread every time you have a question.</p>

<p>If you started a thread in one area, you continue asking your questions in the same thread.</p>

<p>Who says you can’t go to law school or be an author as a journalism major? There are a lot of journalists who go on to write books, and any major can go to law school.</p>

<p>Way back when newspapers ruled and few reporters had even been to college, I chose to major in English and minor in journalism. My choice was based on the advice of the editor of the newspaper where I interned, when I considered changing my major to journalism. “The journalism department is so bad at your school, I’d stick with what you’re doing.”
Nowadays, the journalism department is much, much better.
I never got a job with my English degree, but did with the journalism background. In fact, I almost took a job with an airline company - they liked the journalism part because I could clearly and effectively communicate.</p>