English Student (Who's More Prepared Now) [TN resident, ~3.9 GPA, 35 ACT, <$15k]

This is a sort of carry-over from this thread (Chance me for Creative Writing) from a while ago. I understand the application process better now; I have more specific stats and a better idea of what exactly I’m going to put on my applications, so I figured I would try and get a more realistic opinion!

US Citizen
Competitive Public High School
(Mother received masters from a college; father received PhD from Princeton…not sure if that is relevant but thought I’d include)
Moved states my sophomore year

Intended Major(s)
English / Creative Writing

GPA, Rank, and Test Scores

  • Unweighted HS GPA: My school doesn’t officially score this but I’m roughly at a 3.9 (I won’t report but that might help show what my transcript looks like)
  • Weighted HS GPA: 4.27 on a 4.0 scale (will be higher after the end of this semester, so for regular decisions)
  • Class Rank: #2 / 450ish
  • ACT/SAT Scores: 35 composite on the ACT

(AP/IB/Dual Enrollment classes, AP/IB scores for high school; also include level of math and foreign language reached and any unusual academic electives; for transfers, describe your college courses and preparation for your intended major(s))

  • APs: World History (4 - 9th grade), European History (5 - 10th grade), Chem (3 - 10th grade), Lang (5 - 11th grade), United States History (5 - 11th grade), Lit (currently taking - 12th grade), Calc AB (currently taking - 12th grade), Gov and Politics (currently taking - 12th grade), Macroeconomics (currently taking - 12th grade), Environmental Science (currently taking - 12th grade), Psychology (currently taking - 12th grade)
  • Took honors French classes for three years (10th-12th grade…French wasn’t offered at the high school I attended in 9th grade)
  • Journalism for three years


  • in top 10% of winners of a prestigious national essay contest
  • Scholastic Silver Key and honorable mentions
  • President’s Bronze Service Award for 135+ service hours
  • Graduate of the Youth Leadership Program in my town
  • AP Scholar with Distinction
  • Most Outstanding Student in Journalism (11th grade)

(Include leadership, summer activities, competitions, volunteering, and work experience)

  • Created a literary society and zine at my school after the funding for the newspaper and lit mag was cut: created a new publication and funding plan, managed a 25+ person staff, wrote creative writing pieces, edited on Adobe InDesign, etc. (12th grade)

  • Editor-in-chief of school newspaper (11th grade…news editor in 10th grade)

  • Worked on school lit mag (11th grade)

  • Helped lead an educational nonprofit that delivered devices to hundreds of students; created social media accounts for the nonprofit and boosted them to 933% growth (10th-12th grade)

  • Graduated from Iowa Young Writers Workshop and Columbia Multi Genre Creative Writing Workshop

  • President of service club at school that worked to end hunger and homelessness; participated in national event, managed a team (member in 11th grade; president in 12th)

  • Athletic Training Student for school’s football team (setting up practices and attending to injuries 10-20 hours a week from 10th-12th grade)

  • Created my own website with author interviews and book reviews - 100,000+ words of content (7th grade-12th grade)

  • Job with ministry organization; helped organize conference calls, worked as an administrative assistant, created a website and financial system (5 hours a week from 10th-12th grade)

  • Nannied 2-6 hours a week from 10th-12th grade

  • Participated in NHS, NEHS, Rho Kappa, and Science National Honor Society (11th-12th grade)

(Optionally, guess how strong these are and include any other relevant information or circumstances.)
1st rec letter from AP Lang teacher - very strong
2nd rec letter from AP calc teacher - hopefully relatively strong, focused on how I overcame challenges
I am a creative writing student and have heard good feedback on my essays, but I feel like that’s pretty hard to estimate.

Cost Constraints / Budget
$15k as a MAX


  • Safety (certain admission and affordability)
    University of Iowa (already accepted)
    University of Washington
    Lee University
  • Match
    University of Michigan (EA)
  • Reach
    Yale (ED)
    Johns Hopkins

I’m mainly concerned that my activities are too “ordinary” to stand out in admissions. I also don’t really have many interests outside of creative writing and service, which makes me nervous. Mainly I’m wondering about my chances at getting into Yale, as I’m applying early and really hoping to get in.
Also, is there any way to boost my application for the regular decision round? As in, should I be applying to more awards and scholarships, or what? Thanks so much! All help is appreciated!

Has Iowa delivered scholarships and/or financial aid that make it affordable?

Have you checked the net price calculator on the other “safeties”?


Yale is likely to be among the most affordable option for your reaches.

Does their NPC show a price-tag coming in at below 15K?

Umich will not be affordable. I’d take it off your list.

A minor (but important) correction: Yale offers SCEA, not ED.

Since you’re legacy at Princeton, why not apply early there instead of Yale? It would boost your acceptance chances IMO.


For the record Tennessee would be very affordable.


To the extent that you have included LACs on your list, note that, at a time when USA Today had such an article, Hamilton appeared as the top liberal arts college in the nation (and second overall) for creative writing. Hamilton’s open curriculum also may appeal to you.


You look like a great student who’s taken challenging classes through their time in high school, and are certainly qualified for schools like Yale and Princeton. That said, so are 80%+ of their applicants, and of course they only take ~5% of them. None of us can know what your chances are, except that the vast majority of great students who apply don’t get in, and so it’s good to find other schools you love.

Honestly, there isn’t anything you’re going to do now to “boost” your application now. There isn’t some magic award that will change the trajectory. You are who you are and that’s great.

University of Washington does have a higher OOS acceptance rate than University of Michigan, but it’s also getting more competitive and the quality of OOS applicants is quite high - I think you’ll get in but I’d call it a Match. It also won’t be affordable on a $15K budget.

Agree with @merc81 that if you’re interested in LACs like Kenyon and Denison, then Hamilton is a good reach for you. That said, your list has large state schools, Ivies, and small LACs - do you know why you’re considering all of these very different places?


I like your list…it is mostly well balanced. I also would move University of Washington to the match list.

And as noted…Michigan does not guarantee to meet full need for OOS students. This is what they offer to low income students…but it looks like it’s for Michigan residents only. @Knowsstuff @kelsmom do,you know?

U-M will pay full undergraduate tuition and mandatory university fees for up to four years for students eligible for in-state tuition that have family incomes of $75,000 or less and assets below $75,000 and who are pursuing their first bachelor’s degree.

Just curious….why isn’t University of Tennessee on your list?


Is Iowa affordable at $15k all income ? Your heading says yes but double checking.

Edit I see @ucbalumnus already asked.

Lee is safe but UW won’t meet cost.

Have you checked net price calculators ?

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There’s quite a few scholarships for creative writing students at Iowa. I won’t know my official estimate until later, but I did go through a NPC for Iowa. It’s reasonable…I think I’d be able to swing it especially after scholarships, but a place like Yale still obviously would have better financial aid.

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Michigan from my knowledge does give OOS financial aid. I have heard of packages around $25-35,000. But the first 2 years there are around $72,000. OOS merit for full ride for OOS doesn’t exist.


Yale would be affordable for my family. I’m also applying to scholarships not connected to any particular college…so that would make it even more affordable. Princeton and Yale are two schools I could attend finance-wise.

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I seriously considered applying early to Princeton! It’s a good idea, but honestly I have loved Yale’s campus, student life, and creative writing program for too long to apply early anywhere else. Personally, I just need to know I did everything in my power to show interest in Yale.

Just remember…check to see what your colleges do if you receive outside scholarship awards. You are required to report those to the colleges. At many colleges, an outside scholarship will reduce your financial need, and therefore will reduce your need based aid (usually starting with self help like loans and work study). Some colleges allow stacking off outside awards and college based awards. You need to find out the policies of the colleges you are applying to.

Yale has very very generous need based aid…so good luck!


Thank you!
I’ve mainly selected schools based on their creative writing programs. I am drawn to a liberal arts school on the smaller side in general, but would be happy attending larger schools (i.e. Iowa, Michigan) based on their creative writing classes, professors, publications, etc. I’m pretty flexible with what college experience I want…except for the English and creative writing piece.

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Thank you for the advice. As for why I’m not applying to the University of Tennessee, I visited and many students from my high school go there, and I’ve just derived that it’s not really the student body I’m looking to be surrounded with. I have guaranteed admission to UTK based on my residency and test scores, so I could apply there if I have a financial need, but I’m not worried about it this round of admissions.

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Great information. Thank you!

The largest scholarships are usually from the colleges themselves, do not count on outside scholarships making much of a dent in tuition.


Michigan doesn’t promise anything for OOS students. That’s not to say that they can’t get institutional aid, just that there are no promises similar to the Go Blue Guarantee that covers residents. In addition, unless they have made a change, UM requires Profile the first year applying for aid. So for an OOS student, the NPC is probably the best bet for an estimate, but aid “might” be more when all is said & done (but it’s important not to count on that happening). Non-residents | Financial Aid | University of Michigan


You have a very nice profile - great stats, interesting and relevant ECs and I’m going to assume your essays will be strong given your background in creative writing. You are a strong candidate for any school. That being said, the Ivies are super competitive and Yale is among the most competitive Ivies. All you can do is give it your best shot. Also, make sure all the schools you are looking at can meet your budget number. Don’t count on outside scholarships to make up the difference. And if Iowa doesn’t come in at $15k find another safety that will.