Enough EC's?

<p>Hey everybody,</p>

<p>I'm looking at applying to ivy league colleges (hey, I can dream, right?) in a few years (I'm currently a sophomore), and I'm wondering if I will have enough ECs under my belt.</p>

<p>This year, I'm only involved in one EC with my school. I'm a part of the BRTV, which is the school's television network. We broadcast three shows per week, all of which I have an active role in, and I'm also ENG producer (all of our shows are live, but I handle all of the pre-recorded video like commercials, sports videos, recent events, etc.). This means that even though I'm only in the one EC, I'm staying after-school Monday through Thursday. I probably devote about 5.5 hours each week.</p>

<p>Last year I was a part of FBLA and placed first in competition for Parliamentary Procedure in both regional and state-wide competition. I went to nationals in Atlanta, but didn't place.</p>

<p>Apart from those, I'm active in filming things on my own. I've filmed my district's orchestras, bands (including the marching band, lots of time spent with them at all of the performances and competitions!), choirs, etc.</p>

<p>I'm also currently working on starting up a business to further my interest in video.</p>

<p>If I keep up with these ECs for the remainder of my time in high school, will they be strong enough for top-notch colleges?</p>

<p>Thanks for you input!</p>

<p>Keep up with them and be really involved because a few extracurriculars that you are really involved in are better than many EC’s but little to no involvement.</p>