Envelope size

<p>so i read from a cc ed applicant last year that the acceptance letter was 2 sheets of paper and the honor code. i suppose this means that both acceptance and rejection letters were in small envelopes (as opposed to the full sized manilla ones)... also, do you think we'll be able to tell by the size/weight (5 pages as opposed to just 1) whether we got in or not? are their any previous applicants that know this?</p>

<p>sorry that im bugging and totally overanalyzing this. ive just learned that cc has a wealth of knowledge that will (hopefully) keep me from too many sleepless nights.</p>

<p>I have no information on this subject, but I’m going to assume that a big package means accepted and a little one means rejected. If I’m wrong and rejected, it wont make a difference and I wont get my heart broken twice. If I’m wrong and accepted, it will make for a pleasant surprise!</p>

<p>In my experience, it’s easy to tell a one page envelope from a five page one (the larger has a definite girth to it usually).</p>

<p>Hahaha, this is just getting funny now that we’re analyzing the envelope size. Ironically, I asked about this though and my brother said that he was freaked out by how small it was, but then found a nice surprise inside. So don’t worry about the size in the half of a second it takes you to get it out of the mail box and torn open! 2 weeks only!</p>

<p>did your bro go to hford? i just remember reading a kid who got accepted here last year who said it was only two pieces of paper + honor code.</p>

<p>as far as the “ripping it open in half a second” thing - ill probably lock myself in my bathroom and stare at it for a good half hour first. =]</p>

<p>staring contest!!!</p>

<p>exactly! you get me, keenon.</p>

<p>yeah! 2 weeks ftw!</p>

<p>I’m too impatient to have a staring contest with my envelope. I’m probably going to tear it off in a rabid frenzy.</p>

<p>Yeah, my brother is a junior at Haverford, but currently studying abroad. I just remember coming home from school seeing the acceptance letter torn in half because he struggled to get it open and just ripped it, haha. I anticipate that I’ll do the same. I don’t remember seeing an honor code, but it was three years ago so I could have mistook it for any paper on the table, really. We’ll probably find out online first though. That’s rather less climatic, but either way I’m going to be crazy nervous.</p>

<p>holdup. online notification? ive heard squat about that. really?</p>

<p><em>group gasp</em> online?</p>

<p>Yeah, I remember seeing kids in the library last year in the morning checking their emails. I’m pretty sure they email you when they send out the letter. I think… if you feel like calling, go for it.</p>

<p>wait, hford kids? i know yalies and stanfordians (pretty sure theres no such thing as a stanfordian) are getting emails…</p>

<p>Haverford has not used email notification in the past, based on posts on this site for the last several years. I know some other schools do, so perhaps m.c.10 saw kids checking for other colleges last year and assumed that is the method for all schools.</p>

<p>Yeah… I have no idea if Haverford emails. I kind of just thought they did because I remember a lot of kids talking about email decisions (from other colleges). Sorry to freak you guys out!</p>

<p>No, they don’t post it up online. My brother also goes to H-ford he is a junior and his envelope was the full sized manila one. It was big because it had the financial aid package to it also. However, he did regular decision and that was 3 years ago. So, it may be different.</p>

<p>Ok, thanks ralexis. That makes me less worried about that aspect of the admissions process. My brother is also a junior, but applied ED so I think the envelope was a little different. Either way–we’ll find out soon! 12 days!</p>

<p>agh! some big envelopes! did mc’s brother get FA (if you dont mind saying)? That may prove the big/little envelope thing.</p>

<p>Yeah he did, but I don’t remember a big envelope. We’ll find out soon if we got in or not. And also-- like I said before-- it takes two seconds to open an envelope and find out! haha. I take this college class in the afternoon which ends this upcoming Wednesday so I will have early dismissal on Friday! But for some reason I have a feeling we will get the letter Saturday…just a hunch!</p>