Environmental Exam

<p>I'm nervous about my score for the enviro exam. I thought I did well, but looking at everyone's self-assessment I don't feel too confident anymore. I probably got about 70 questions right on the MC and half of the FR right. Do you think that's enough for a 5?</p>

<p>[AP</a> Pass - AP Environmental Science Calculator](<a href=“http://appass.com/calculators/environmentalscience]AP”>AP Environmental Science Test Score Calculator - AP Pass)</p>

<p>That website puts you at a 4, and unless you are looking at extremely competitive colleges, that is good enough for credit.</p>

<p>Do you know when they will release the answers to the free response?</p>

<p>I don’t know if they will release the answers, but your teacher should be getting you green FRQ insert soon, so you can discuss them in class.</p>