Environmental Science summer programs

What are some environmental science summer programs that people recommend? I know all the math programs thanks to S22, but I really don’t know any environmental science ones for D25. Thanks!

Not my expertise but lots on line.

Here’s just one link.

I also remember somebody writing about Hobart so check out their program.

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What is your home state?


Following up, wondering if you had landed on o good program you could recommend?

D25 applied to ESSYI for next summer and is waiting to hear if she was accepted.

Still looking for more suggestions. We have been unable to get in contact with ESSYI for some reason.

Environmental Summer Programs • Sustainable Summer

Arts and Sciences Summer Institutes (drexel.edu)

Environmental Science Summer Program (duke.edu)

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I think she is going to go to Brown’s Environmental Leadership Lab

How do ESSYI and Brown’s BELL compare?

D25 had wanted to go to ESSYI. She applied in November and the application said you would hear in 2 weeks. She emailed them in December to make sure they had all of her materials, but never received a reply. I tried calling in January and February without receiving a call back.

Since she didn’t hear back from ESSYI, she researched other programs and picked Brown’s BELL in Rhode Island. She was accepted within a week.

Fast forward to today, she received an email saying she was accepted to ESSYI. Obviously we are hesitant because off the lack of communication the past few months.

So is there a big difference between the two programs?
