Anyone hear back from suny Buffalo eop?

@nattyirie‌ I’m pretty sure it’s both. They should match each other, but the eop form was just more detailed.

@nattyirie i think its based on your parents tax returns

@Nick428‌ @Tomerax‌ @Mutability‌ Have you all heard back as yet? We are 1 week away from the final deadline. Good luck to you all.

@nattyirie‌ Nope sadly I haven’t hear back from them yet… :frowning:

Has anyone tried calling the admissions office? I think we should hear back by April 1st

@nattyirie no, i havent heard from them either

Is anyone’s status changed to Decision made?

Nope :frowning:

Bing has untill April 10th to send out letters according to my friend who called bing.

@Nick428‌ Does that mean emails too?

@nattyirie‌ yea I guess.

General information about previous enrolled students can be found on this link: https://www.suny.edu/student/downloads/pdf/2013_eop_profile.pdf

Has anyone heard anything? Any change to status checker? None here! Still waiting.

No change, getting really impatient.

I just spoke with admissions and was informed that EOP applicants were not reviewed by the April 1st deadline as they were back logged. They stated that a decision will be made by tomorrow.

I just checked the status checker and jt still says complete for review. The admissions office seems to be extremely unorganized. I’m sure all the applicants are getting restless and tired of this nonsense.

The suspense is killing me! Do you guys think that we will be informed by April 10th for Stony?

Will all students be informed at the same time? @nattirbee

@maisha97‌ As per the counselor I spoke with today, he said a decision will be made between now and April 10th. Stressful I know but no news is still good news. Status now says
“Decision: Application Complete”. I didn’t notice that before. What does yours say?

@nattyirie‌ The status of my application is “currently being processed.” :frowning: Thank you for informing me btw. I am so nervous! What are your stats?