Eprep vs. Princeton Review vs. Blue book?

<p>I have tried them all and notice that I do very well in the blue book...much better than eprep which I find extremely difficult and Princeton Review book and practice tests. Someone suggested that the prep companies version of the SAT for practice is purposely more difficult...hence making the student/parents panic and hire private tutors or subscribe to their services. Any truth to this? Practice in the blue book has been around 690-720 CR, 700+ Math and 780-800 Writing. Psat was 196.</p>

<p>Here is my take on blue book vs. Princeton Review books: the blue book practice tests are easier than the real SAT, thus you can be misled as to how well you will do on the test. The Princeton Review practice tests are harder than the blue book tests, thus you will do better on the real SAT.</p>

<p>Solution: work with both sets of test.</p>

<p>Actually, the BB tests are the same difficulty as the real thing. I can attest to this, as my real score came within 50 pts of the practice test I took just the week before. You may think the real test is more difficult for a number of reasons (testing in a place other than your home, being distracted by other students, etc). In no way will tests made by the test company “mislead” you.</p>

<p>As for PR, that’s bad logic. Why study something harder if it will never show up on the test? And no, you won’t do better. PR tests are quite unlike the real thing. You’re pretty off sticking to actual CB tests.</p>

<p>I took a practice Princeton Review test at their office…630, 630, 730…way lower than blue book.</p>

<p>hahahahahahahaha did someone just say that BB is misleading to your score? That’s just total bs, I’m sorry to say. Do your research next time. </p>

<p>The BB is made by the COLLEGE BOARD. Theses are the people who are administering the SATs. A couple of the tests in that book were once administered (or maybe that was the OC… idk). Point being, you can’t get any more real than… the real thing. I would not take a test out of the PR book if they were giving the book out for free, there’s just too many official CB practice to go through before that.</p>

<p>Anyone know anything about Eprep? I started off with them…paying for their online service and did pretty poorly, switched to Princeton and finally Blue Book which I have been steadily improving on. Went back to Eprep for the heck of it and scored in the 500’s…what gives? Confusing to say the least. Finally finished Blue book and taking SAT in March…what should I study up until then?</p>

<p>Online Course, if you haven’t gone through that yet.</p>

<p>Which online course? College Board or Eprep? There are so many out there and I don’t want to waste my time at this point…I just want to be sure that the confidence I am feeling based on successful blue book practice is realistic…</p>

<p>BB is probably the way to go. The only book made by the College Board (The folks that make us take the suck-ass test.)</p>

<p>BB > Princeton Review >Eprep</p>

<p>Actually, the BB does not contain tests specifically from the test maker. The test maker is ETS, not CollegeBoard. CollegeBoard administers the test but does not make the test. I would say go with runman’s advice. Take time and switch off between PR and BB tests. It worked for me.</p>

<p>Do you think my theory that the princeton review books and practice tests they administer with your small group tutoring are harder by design…so you pay a pricey tutor? I think I will keep doing what I have been as well as studying the PR Hitlist vocab words every night. Thanks for all the input everyone.</p>



<p>Whether ETS or CB makes the tests is irrelevant. The point is that BB tests are the closest thing you will get to the real testing experience while PR tests are crap.</p>

<p>^second that. Besides, all the College Board SAT tests (either real, or in the BB, or online) are made by the ETS.</p>

<p>Now that I finished blue book…what to do for the two weeks up to the big day?</p>

<p>I told you, the CB Online Course. It has 6 real practice tests not found in the BB.</p>

<p>Thanks…I must have missed that.</p>