Hey, everyone!
I’ve recently been admitted to Rutgers’ pharmacy school. I was wondering if anyone else who got accepted to EMSOP would like to create a group chat or something, where we could communicate about how we plan to continue our education, and more so to get to know everyone better!
My son got into EMSOP as well ,
His stats are
Sat 1540 took only once
Sat II bio 780
3.8 UW school does not do weighted
All honors AP courses and college courses
National merit commended student
Over 250 hrs of volunteering at fire department
High school football varsity athlete.
He has acceptance for same program at U Pitt .
My status is still in progress. What were your stats?
Congrats! I also got accepted into the program. I heard there is a facebook page where accepted pharm students can talk, but I can’t find it??
My states were the following:
4.31 weight GPA
1550 SAT
800 SAT Chem
780 Math II
Still in process unforunately
have a 1530 SAT with a 4.25 W gpa, hoping they would accept me soon since its my #1 choice.
I got admitted to EMSOP on 28th Feb. is there a Facebook group for class of 2026?
Hello! I recently committed to Rutgers EMSOP and I had a 1470 super scored. I don’t see any Facebook group
but I’m sure they’ll eventually create one for us.
Edit: Never mind I found it
@minibuttons hey did you get into EMSOP?