Essay 30 words too long!

Is this a dealbreaker? My son’s essay is 30 words over the 650 word limit! Is that ok or doesn he need to cut it down more? He has already cut 50 words but this is where he is now. Thanks!

The common app won’t allow you to put in anything more than 650 words. You could utilize some contractions, like make I am = I’m. Have someone who hasn’t read the essay yet take a peek, to suggest cuts.

Cut it down. There’s always room for editing and ways to make things tighter.

The system will appear to allow it but will chop the end off when you save it.

Mhm, that is interesting. I never thought the common app would have enough courage to chop off a conclusion for some kid. I just assumed that the college was given a warning that the student is so many words over. I find that peculiar.

Nope. It’s ruthless. CHOP!

The Common App is an electronic form. It doesn’t need courage to do anything – all it needs is code telling it to accept x number of words and x number of words only.

Lol @bodangles

But yes, common app will simply cut it off.

Check out some of the online web articles about unnecessary words in college essays and how to shorten without losing message.

if my essay is exactly 650 words on the common app, will my final word and period at the end still show up?

Try it and find out, @soyunchico. :slight_smile:

@doschicos haha it has already been submitted for weeks. I checked the preview and it showed up there so i am assuming it went through.

If the preview looks good, @soyunchico, what the colleges received should look good. Now go enjoy your weekend! :smiley: