Essay length

<p>How long should the extended essay be? I assume longer than the standard 400 words but I wasn't sure exactly how long. Thanks!</p>

<p>Long enough to adequately say everything you need to say but no so long that you start repeating yourself or rambling. Shoot for 500-700 words, but don’t feel restricted. Mine was about 580 words.</p>

<p>One page 12 font Times New Roman is the norm.</p>

<p>Was wondering the same thing
I think it depends on the writer- as much long as he/she wants so that he/she can express all that needs to be expressed</p>

<p>“Two pages double spaced is usually a very good length. If you go over or under two, don’t sweat it! That’s fine. I think once you are getting to 4 you’ve written too much.” Direct from the regional admissions officer for my area.</p>

<p>I’ve read essays of current students of a variety of lengths. I’d say to worry less about the length of your essay, so long as you’re saying what you need to say well.</p>

<p>Something I found especially helpful was having my teachers/mentors and peers read my essays. It’s easy to tell when they’re getting bored xD.</p>