essay length

<p>How long can the essays for Georgetown actually be? For the "significant school or summer activity" essay, can I actually attach it to another page, or do I have to fit it into the space given?</p>

<p>And for the other 2 essays, it says they're supposed to be around a page. Is it ok to go over that limit? By how much? The essay for SFS, in particular, is quite difficult to fit into 1 page.</p>

<p>48 views and no replies?</p>

<p>I was wondering the exact same thing! (:
I think for the “significant summer activity” one I’m going to try to limit myself to around 1/2 page single spaced. It said it was supposed to be a short answer, so I think that should be okay. Also, I just wrote my SFS essay last night, and it ended up being around 2 pages double spaced (: I didn’t think I went too overboard, but I might have a few people read it just in case…</p>