Essay Prompt 1: Did I hit the mark?

<p>If there are any already-accepted students here, or those that applied early, I was wondering if I could have some last-minute feedback on my essay. It's the "What do pictures want? Describe a picture and explore what it wants" prompt and I'm not sure if I accurately answered the essay question. I know that there are "no right answers" but I'm not sure if I gave them oranges when they asked for apples.</p>


<p>sure, i'll read it.... i wrote about pictures EA. Mine didn't really answer the question in the sense that it talked about the wants of the subject that i could tell from the picture but not the wants of the picture itself and i still got in so i think there is some flexibility there.</p>

<p>I pm'd you, somedumbnoob. Thanks.</p>

<p>hey i'll read it and comment, pm me</p>

<p>I was accepted EA and wrote on #1, if you want another pair of eyes.</p>