What Do Pictures Want?

<p>I'm considering responding to the UChicago prompt asking about what pictures want, and was even considering reading the book they mentioned in the essay. I would not read it just for the sake of the essay, but also because I'm interested in WJT Mitchell as a visual philosopher of sorts (and he teaches at UChicago ^^) and because I'm really into photography and visual arts.</p>

<p>Do you think it would be interesting if I wrote of my thoughts on what pictures want based on my own photographs and even my own art work?? I thought that would work nicely as I plan on sending a supplementary disc with my art work and photography in it...</p>

<p>What do you think?</p>

<p>I think that'd be a great idea! The prompt really seems perfect for you. Plus it'd make it so personal, writing about what your own pictures want, and gives you an interesting perspective in writing it, as the person who created the picture. Or that's what I think, but I'm just a high school senior. :)</p>

<p>Sounds like an exellent idea. I'd go for it.</p>

<p>That sounds like it kills two birds with one stone for you as a college essay-- it allows you to respond to the uncommon prompt, and it allows you to detail your interest in art.</p>

<p>sounds like a great idea. I suggest though that you ask what one picture wants rather than what a whole bunch of your picutres want. Go for depth.</p>

<p>In fact, the prompt asks you to talk about a picture (as in sing. not plural)</p>

<p>Yeah, I'll just discuss one picture, but I may mention others.</p>

<p>Thanks for all of your responses.</p>